My crush

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[Y/N's POV]

"Good Morning class, today we have a new student. Please, come in and introduce yourself." Mrs. Cha gestured to the boy standing in the doorway.

"Hello, my name is Lee Mal-Chin. I'm from Daegu. Please take care of me!" He politely bowed. 'He doesn't seem so bad'. "You can take a seat next to Kim Y/N, Y/N raise your hand please." You raised your hand and smiled at the boy, and he returned your smile.

"Nice to meet you Mal-Chin" you whispered, gesturing your hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you too Y/N" he said as he took your hand.


[Authors POV]

The whole day, while in school, Y/N showed him around and introduced him to everyone so he wouldn't feel lonely. And just when Y/N started to think her day was going well Minjun showed up. "Ewwwww, why are you with her? You know she has the 'Leukemia' disease!!" Y/N was scared of what Mal-Chin would do so she put her head down.

This had been going on for 5 years. Minjun always made sure that everyone would know about it, and that's why Y/N was still very lonely. And of course, her brothers still didn't know about it. Every time someone would beat her up, or spill their lunch on her, she just made up an excuse. Y/N's brothers now just think that she's very clumsy.

"It seems you don't know what Leukemia is" Mal-Chin said. "It's a type of cancer that can kill you, and it's not something that you can get just from being around someone. It's in people's genes." Y/N looked at him. Y/N was relieved he wasn't afraid of her or disgusted just from having her around him.

Minjun was taken aback by his statement, but still tried his beat to get him away from you "Well.. shes... still ugly, and gross! You should've seen what she looked like back in 3rd grade!" He said laughing at Y/N "She looked like a boy in girl's clothes!!" Mal-Chin just stared at him. "That's the past, and now is now" he said. 'He really is a good guy' Y/N thought.


[Y/N's POV]

After a few weeks you and Mal-Chin became really close friends. And right now you were talking to him over the phone in your room. "Honestly!! I'm being honest here! Your not ugly! He has no idea what he's talking about." Mal-Chin said trying to cheer you up. "Well.. the whole school, not just him, thinks otherwise." You said. You heard him sigh "Y/N, you shouldn't care about what they think, you're you, and if they have a problem with that then they can leave!" You slightly smiled "Thanks Mal-Chin, your the bes-," you were cut off by a loud knock on your door.

"I gotta go, bye Mal-Chin!" You said "Bye" and as soon as he said that you hung up and answered the door to see your brothers boxy smile. "Dinners ready!" He said smiling. 'How do I say I'm trying not to eat, so I don't get more fat? Oh that's right.. I can't.'

"I'm not hungry" you lied with a smile. You were hungry but you didn't want to gain more wait. "You sure?" Tae asked. "I'm sure! You guys can go ahead and eat! I'm not that hungry!" You said reassuringly. And with that, Taehyung left down the stairs.

You sighed and looked at yourself in the mirror. "Why'd you make me look like this?" You asked tears forming in your eyes, blurring your vision.


You walked over to your phone and opened up the message:

Chin Chin: Remember, your beautiful, no matter what you think or say, or what others think or say. Your beautiful inside and out. And I'll always be here to tell you that!

Read 18:24

Y/N: Thanks, I really needed to hear that.

Read 18:26

You smiled and blushed to yourself as you remembered his words. Your heart was beating fast and your face was red. 'I.. I think I like him...' you thought to yourself.


[Mal-Chin's POV]

I smirked as I read the messages. "This should do the trick, don't you think so?" I looked at my cousin "Minjun?" I saw the same smirk on my face, appear on his. "It should, she fell right into our trap." He said.


[Taehyung's POV]

I walked down the stairs and sat down next to Jin hyung. "Where's Y/N?" He asked. "She said she's not hungry, again" I said frowning. They all sighed and went quite until Yoongi spoke up. "Something feels off about her" he said, he was saying what we were all thinking. We nodded our heads in agreement with him.

"Should we talk with her about it?" Jimin asked. "I think we should" Namjoon said "after all, we're all worried about our little sister."

"I'll go get her, we should all meet up with her in the living room." They nodded and we all headed to our destinations. I went up the stairs and knocked on Y/N's door. "Hey you awake? We all want to talk to you downstairs." The door opened slowly, revealing Y/N's face. "Okay tell them I'll be down in a second." She said.

I went downstairs and told my brothers she would be down in a little. We waited in silence until she can down the stairs and sat on the couch next to Jungkook while she asked "What's up?"

Just from looking at her, you could tell she lost some weight and wasn't eating much. We all looked at her worriedly.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly.


Hi~! Sorry for the short/late update. Me and my family went to the beach yesterday, and now my poor bootiful face is sunburnt😭

I'll be okay tho👌

I probably should've warned you about how sad this was gonna get... anyways! I'm gonna tell you a little bit bout the characters Mal-Chin, and Minjun. Mal-Chin is based off of my ex-crush. My ex-crush really hurt my feelings. I would always help him with school work and talk to him, but when he found out I liked him he treated me like and ugly monster. He called me names, called me ugly, and would try to make my own 'friend' laugh at me. One time in class he called out her name and then pointed at me saying "Why does her nose look like that." And made my 'friend' laugh at me.

Anyways, that's who I based Mal-Chin off of. Minjun is based off three people. My older brothers past behavior, his friend, and my ex-friend group from 6th grade. (I know it's a lot lol and I'm not gonna get into too much detail about them, but yeah... that's basically it.)

Thank you 🙏 to those of you who have been reading my story!! Look forward to more :3

~ 𝙱𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 ~ 💜💕✨💜💕✨

~ 𝙱𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 ~           💜💕✨💜💕✨

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