Lies Pt.2

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[Y/N's POV]

You got ready for bed shortly after Taehyung left. 'Now I HAVE to tell them about everything..' you sighed.


'Great.. still hungry...' You walked out of your room and down the stairs. You quietly tip toed into the kitchen, not making a sound. 'Please say they're all asleep..' you pleaded. You grabbed a banana and made a sandwich. You brought it upstairs into your room and began eating it in there. You were quiet the way there and back so you were sure nobody heard or saw you.

As you began eating your sandwich you were surprised by someone knocking on your door quietly. It was quiet, but you could still hear it. You quickly shoved the rest of the sandwich in your mouth and hid the banana peel under a piece of paper in the trash can. "Y/N? You're awake right?" You heard Jimin's quiet voice say. You finished eating the sandwich and opened the door.

You saw both Taehyung and Jimin in the doorway. "Can we come in? We just want to talk for a bit." You nodded and all sat on your bed.

'Why is Taehyung back? But with Jimin..?' Your thoughts were interrupted by Jimin. "Taehyung looked upset when he came back from speaking with you. Plus.. I heard him yell earlier. I asked him what was wrong and he said I should come talk with you both about it." You took a glance at Taehyung's face which looked guilty.

"Mind telling me what happened earlier? Did you guys fight?" He asked. You shook your head "No, we didn't fight." He looked at us confused. "What happened then?" You sighed and looked over at Taehyung. You both looked at Jimin, and on cue you both said "It's about what happened when I went to the mall."

"What happened at the mall?" You looked at Taehyung pleading with your eyes that asked him 'please tell him' he nodded. "Shortly after I dropped her off at the mall, which by the way, she didn't go to it with some girls from school. She went with her best friend who was a boy. She was scared that we were going to chase him away and wouldn't let her go to the mall with him." Jimin looked at you with sad eyes. He's sad that you lied.

Taehyung continued "When she got there she found out that he was only pretending to be her friend and did it all for money and fun." You could see Jimin's expression quickly change. He looked mad. "And what's worse is, he started chasing her around the mall, and when she ran into a dead end, he grabbed her hair. And before he could slap her I grabbed his hand and scared him off. But what I didn't know until today, is that he was also her crush and he said some hurtful things to her." Taehyung sad both sad and angry at the memory. "He called her worthless and ugly." And at that moment, when you looked at Jimin he looked pissed.

"I'll kill him." Is all he said before storming out of my room and back into his. Taehyung followed. 'The day Jimin sees Mal-Chin.. will be the boys worst day ever.'


[1 day before High School begins]

[Y/N's POV]

"But Jin oppa! I don't wanna be alone! You guys are gonna be gone for so long." You said pouting. Jin patted his hand on top of your head "It's just a couple of days, I'm sure you'll be fine without us. Plus.. the maids will still be here!" He said smiling. Jin was trying to keep you away from asking what job they'll be doing because it was hard for him to lie and leave you.

You looked at Jimin and Taehyung who looked concerned. They didn't want another bad thing to happen to you. Especially while they were gone, working. All the boys left out into their cars except two of them.

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