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[Hoseok's POV]

"So.. um Y/N/N?" I asked as she sniffed and looked up at me. She hummed in response. "Can you tell me why they're saying you have a disease and want you to be gone?" I asked. It took everything I had not to show my anger. I watched as her eyes dulled slightly. It doesn't look like this whole 'Disease' talk was new to her.

She took a deep breath and sighed.


[Y/N's POV]

'Here goes nothing.. you have to tell him now. No more lying. Just like Felix said.' You thought. You took a deep breath and sighed. You were preparing yourself for what was going to happen next.

"Back in 3rd grade after I had cancer, people looked at me weirdly. Mostly because they all thought I looked like a boy, due to my hair cut short, and loss of hair." He looked a bit more upset. You were expecting it to get worse as you would continue.

"So one boy asked me why I looked that way. I told him in was because I had cancer. Then he decided to tell everyone I had a 'Leukemia Disease'. And they all believed him. So people stayed away from me, bullied me, etc." He looked like one of his questions from a long time ago was finally answered.

"Is that why whenever we asked the maids about how school was for you, they always looked nervous and seemed to be lying?" You nodded slowly. 'Of course.. they hate lying to them... I do too'

"You lied to us about everything being fine at school?" He said hurt. You nodded slightly once again. You didn't like lying, but you thought it was for the best.

And you continued the story. "When we were in 8th grade a new boy came to school. He was seated next to me. Everyone warned him about me but he didn't seem to care. We became friends later on, he helped me, I trusted him." You said tears coming down.

"I-I liked h-him. But he lied. H-he did it for money, f-for fun. He called me a-an ugly r-r-rat." You said finally bursting into tears. Hoseok hates seeing you like this and was upset that you were treated this way for so long, and they never knew.

You collected yourself back together and went on again. "When we got to high school, he made sure everyone knew I had a disease, that if it touched them they would die ugly." You said. You watched his hands tighten and turn white.

"When you guys were gone, they spilled more food on my clothes and..." you paused wondering if you should continue. 'You can't hide it from him Y/N!' You sighed for what felt like the 50 millionth time.

"They beat me up." You stopped to think about what you should do about the cuts you gave yourself. "Can I see what they did to you?" You looked at him confused and concerned. "I want to see how much they hurt you." He said sternly. You gulped. Now there is no way you could hide the cuts on your arms. 'Please say they magically went away!' You pleaded as you slowly moved your sleeves up. When you revealed your arms, the cuts.. weren't gone. You frowned to yourself not wanting to look back at Hoseok.

'Maybe I could get away with telling him that they cut me too, hopefully he'll just think they cut me too' you thought nervously.


[Hoseok's POV]

When she pulled up her sleeves it revealed cuts and bruises. My heart broke at the sight. 'They hurt her...' I thought as I gritted my teeth. 'We weren't there to protect her... those rats will pay.' I balled up my fists.

She hesitantly spoke. "A-and that brings us to where we are today." She sadly smiled. I quickly pulled her into another hug. She seemed surprised but hugged me back.

"Y/N/N..?" I asked. "Hm?" She hummed. "Can I tell the others." She sighed and sadly, and fearfully nodded. We both knew that everyone was soon going to be pissed off.

I was scared to do it too. But if it means I can kill those kids and help Y/N, then it'll be worth it.


My brothers looked at me and Y/N waiting for us to talk. "Hyung, can we hurry this up, I kinda have a girlfriend that I've been wanting to talk to all day." Jungkook said.

"She can wait." I said. "There's a more important topic at hand." I watched as Y/N took a deep breath. 'This is gonna be a long night.'


After answering many many questions and telling them everything, it was silent for a moment until everyone started yelling at the same time. It was hard to understand what each of them were saying. But I was sure it had something to do about those brats at Y/N's school.

"Now I have to kill that filthy trash." Jimin and Taehyung said harshly. "Who?" Yoongi asked still showing his cold face to everyone. "Minjun. The boy who started everything. I'll kill along side with his cousin, and his cousin's girlfriend." Jimin said.

We didn't question him further. If Jimin wants to, we'd probably want to too, if we knew the reason why he said specifically all three.


[Jin's POV]

My blood was boiling. 'Those brats will pay for hurting my little sister..' I called the principal of the school and told her about what was going on. "I don't want kids going to the same school as my sister. They're too childish and don't take their work seriously." I said through gritted teeth.

"I can assure you Mr. Kim, those kids won't be going to the school anymore after tomorrow. That will be their last day." She said calmly. "Thank you." I hung up.

'They get what they deserve. I know we could do worse, but getting kicked outside of high school is a pretty bad thing to have on your record.' I smirked.

I went upstairs and saw Y/N hugging her pillow while sleeping. 'Don't worry, we'll keep you safe little sis.'


[Jimin's POV]

'Soon those kids will get a deadly disease. And the disease that's gonna kill them, is me.'

'No one hurts my little sister.'



I know what I said about the updating stuff but... I just couldn't help myself!! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

I love writing these stories💜

~ 𝙱𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 ~

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