C.U.T.E Pt.3

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[Felix's POV]


I picked up my phone and smiled as soon as I saw who the notification was from. I opened up the message.

💗✨Y/N/N✨💗: Good morning

👏Me👏: Good Morning!

💗✨Y/N/N✨💗: Wanna come
hang out at my house today?

👏Me👏: Sure! I'll see you soon❤️

💗✨Y/N/N✨💗: ok! Drive safely!
😘 love u!

👏Me👏: I love you too!🥰

I smiled and grabbed my keys and headed out to my truck and started driving to her house.


I expecting to be chased around the house once her brothers saw me there. Y/N said that Jungkook told them about what happened when we were at the movies and she told me about the other crazy stuff that happened.

Twila, me, and Y/N hung out, just like old times. But Hoseok wasn't happy that Twila was t hanging out with him and all her attention was on me and Y/N.

"Pwease Twila?" Hoseok begged with puppy dog eyes. She pet her head and smiled. "Maybe later, now go play with the other kids." She teased while pointing at Taehyung and Jimin.

"Just go with him, Twila." Y/N said pushing Twila into Hoseok's arms. He carried her to the couch and turned a movie on. "What should we do?" I asked Y/N.

"Come with me!" She said dragging me to her room. I could feel Jin and Namjoon carefully watching us, both for different reasons.

We sat on her bed, I watched her go to her dresser and opened a drawer. She moved some clothes out of the way and grabbed a paper.

She gave me the paper and I started reading it as she put the clothes back and closed the drawer. The door peeped open but I ignored it.

After I read it I gave the paper back to her. "I don't think your parents wrote that to you it seems too suspicious, plus you're parents bodies were found dead, there's now way they could be alive." I told her. She frowned and sniffed.

I hugged her and kisses her forehead softly and quickly. "Y/N, you can't trust people so easily, especially after what happened to you, I don't want you getting hurt again, you hear me?" I asked her and she nodded.

I hugged her once again and I heard small cries escape her lips and tears fall on her bed. I rubbed her back with my hand to calm her down. "Cheer up, okay?" I said carefully wiping the tears from her face.

She quietly nodded her head and gave me a soft smile.


I held her hand as we walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a plate and served Y/N her food while pretending I was a waiter for everyone. The only ones who were amused by my acting were, Y/N and Taehyung.

After I finished my acting I sat next to Y/N and took a big bite of the salad on my plate. I heard Y/N giggle and wipe the side of my mouth with a napkin. I smiled and held her hand under the table.

I could feel Namjoon, Jimin, and Yoongi's eyes on me, watching my every move. "Hey Grandpa hand over the (your choice of sauce)." Y/N said to Yoongi, he didn't say anything and just handed it over.

I gave her the rest of my food sense I was finished and she seemed to be still hungry.


It was around 10 pm and me and Y/N were watching one of Y/N's favorite shows. 'Y/N really likes it..' I thought while seeing her different reactions. I chuckled at her cuteness and kissed her cheek.

She looked at me confused and just kissed my cheek too. "Felix should get ready to leave, don't you guys think so?" Namjoon said clearing his throat. "Yeah, it's for the best." Yoongi said leaning against the wall.

"I think that's an amazing idea." Jimin said tapping his fingers on his arms, which were folded.

"No, he can stay, I give him permission." Jin said loudly while walking into the room with arms full of popcorn and other snacks.

The other 3 went quite, so I took this as an opportunity to spend all my time with her. I took her back to her room and jumped onto her bed.

"I'll shower first." She said grabbing a pair of pajamas. I sat on the bed and grabbed a random book.

1st Diary

Is what it said. And judging by the hand writing, she must've been around the age of 7 or 10.

I opened to the first page and I was somehow able to read the handwriting easily.

Today I made a new friend, her name was Cana. She was really nice. She's older than me but said she didn't mind playing with me. But she started acting different when a group of people her age showed up.

They were really mean to her. Then they were mean to me, and Yoongi oppa came and scared them away.

Yoongi oppa was nervous around the girl, I think he liked her. It made sense though! She was really really pretty, prettier than me!

I pouted. 'No ones prettier than Y/N, that's impossible!' I thought while turning the page over.

I'm really sad, and so is Yoongi oppa. They said the girl I played with the other day had passed away because she was really really sad.

I hope she's happier in Heaven, I told Yoongi oppa to not be too sad or he might pass away too, and that would be really really really bad.

"Aww..." I closed the diary because I decided it was best not to snoop around more than I already was.

She was still showering so I grabbed a piece of paper and started drawing on it.


I heard the bathroom door open but I continued to draw I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "Whatcha drawing?" She asked quietly while putting her head on top of mine.

"A picture of you." I said holding up the paper for her to take. "Wow! You're really good at drawing!" She said surprised. She started hugging the paper.

"I'm gonna hang this up!" She said excitedly putting it up against the board and putting a pin through the paper.

I felt a small smile find its way into my face, as she came over and kissed my lips softly. "I'll take a shower, don't wait for me, and go to sleep." I said getting a separate towel for me.


I came out of the shower in a dark blue t-shirt with gray shorts. My eyes drifted over to the sleeping Y/N. I laid down on the bed and wrapped my arm around her.

I pulled her into a soft hug and soon fell asleep.


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