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[Felix's POV]

I chased after her and watched her go into Mrs. Coffee's room. I didn't intend on eavesdropping but I still kinda wanted to.

"What happened?!" I heard our teacher ask, in a concerned voice. "I just bumped into some of the girls at lunch and their food got on me." She said. 'Why is she lying?' I thought. "Then why are you crying?" She asked as I took a peek into the room. "I was scared they'd be mad so I ran off." She said. I saw her trying to give Mrs. Coffee a reassuring smile. 'That's it.'

"Well okay then-," I cut her off. "Stop lying Y/N." I said, now fully showing myself in the doorway. "Felix.." she said surprised.

"What do you mean Felix?" Mrs. Coffee asked confused. "Y/N's being bullied by Chanmi, and a few others but she still hasn't done anything about it. She's been lying to everyone." I said. I looked at the worried face that appeared on Y/N's face. "Y/N is this true?" She quietly and slightly nodded her head. Mrs. Coffee sighed.

She pulled Y/N into a hug. Then she looked at me. "Felix darling, would you take her home early? I'm going to talk with the principal and some students about this matter. I don't want her to get more hurt." She said and I nodded. 'I'll protect her.' Y/N was silent for a moment but then spoke up "Please don't tell my brothers." She pleaded. 'Her brothers don't know either?! I guess I really do I have to watch over her.' Mrs. Coffee sadly nodded.

We walked out to the gates I could see her stressed and worried face still there. "You don't smile much, do you?" I asked. She looked up at me "No, not at school anyways..." I watched her every movement and looked at each of her features.

'Why do they call her ugly? Why did that boy tell everyone she had a disease on our first day of school? I have so many questions.'

"Why haven't you told anyone? About the bullying you. I can see how much it hurts you." I said. I saw tears forming in her eyes. "I don't want to cause more problems for them." She answered wiping the tears from her eyes before they could fall. "You know.. I don't know why they call you ugly, when they're the ugly ones. Plus, they clearly don't have eyes if they can't find you beautiful." She looked up at me. "You don't think I'm ugly?" Her eyes widened when I nodded.

I looked at her clothes and noticed something. "Why do you only wear long sleeved tops?" I asked. She froze. "I- uhh get cold easily!" She blurted. I sighed.

"Please don't lie anymore." I pleaded. "Fine..." she said rolling up her sleeves to show cuts and bruises. "I cut myself sometimes.." she whispered "the bruises are from Chanmi, and others." I hugged her. 'Stop letting yourself get hurt.' She blushes and I felt a small shade of pink show up on my face too.

"Smile for once." I said. She tried to smile, but I could tell it wasn't her real smile. "I mean actually smile." She looked at me confused. 'I know what will make her smile!' (Don't question what's about to happen. Felix just magically makes it appear!)

I pulled out a small pile of photos and showed her some. "Are these you?" She asked in a quiet voice. "Yup!" I pointed to one photo of me running around my house with a bucket on my head and marker drawn all over my skin. "I was pretending I was a knight who was going to save a pretty princess locked up in a tower." I smiled as I recalled the memory. And showed her another photo. I had chocolate all over my face. "My mom asked me where all the chocolate went and I told her I didn't know but I had the evidence written all over my face." I heard her chuckle and looked at her and saw her smiling.

That made me smile too.

She caught my gaze and we stared at each other until we heard kids laughing. We both looked away. I felt embarrassed, and could tell she did too.

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