Lies Pt.1

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[Y/N's POV]

The rest of the car ride home was silent. You were glad he agreed to the promise. You felt bad for hiding it from the others, but you didn't want to worry them too much.


[At home]

You walked into the kitchen and made yourself a sandwich. You were hungry, but didn't want to eat too much so you went with a simple sandwich. Plus, you could use it as an excuse for not wanting dinner later tonight. "Oh hey, Y/N!" Your older brother said smiling.

"Hi Jin oppa!" You said returning a smile. "I heard you went to the Mall with some friends. How did it go?" He asked. "Good" you continued "although I don't think I should hang out with those girls, they don't make the best decisions." Jin hummed in response.

"Are you excited to go to High School?" He grabbed a pan and started chopping up vegetables. "Yes." You lied. You despised the idea of going to High School. After all.. what Minjun, Mal-Chin, and others did, you were very much sure it was going to be worse in High School. You were scared, but you wouldn't let him know that.

Just because Taehyung knows ONE thing doesn't mean he knows the rest. Only one of my lies was brought to light to Taehyung.

"You want help with making dinner Jin oppa?" He nodded and said "That would be great, thank you." You smiled "Anytime."


[2 days later]

[Taehyung's POV]

I knocked on Y/N's door. When it opened I saw her still in her clothes from the day and not yet getting ready for bed. "Yes? Are you also here to tell me to go to bed? Don't worry, I already know. Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon all came up and told me to." I shook my head. "No, that's not it." She tilted her head to the side and gestured for me to come in.

"It's about that day at the mall.." I said. She sighed "Ask away."

"Who was that boy?" She stood their trying to figure out how to answer it. "My... uh.." she took a moment and then leaned over to my ear and whispered "my ex friend and ex crush." I looked at her. 'She liked him. And was his friend. But he did that to her?!' I thought. I clenched my fists.

"How could you like someone like that?! Or even be friends with him in the first place?!" I yelled. Her eyes widened and put her finger over her lips making a shhh sound. "Your so loud!" She whisper yelled. "You better hope they didn't hear that!"

We waited a little while before continuing, just in case one of our brothers decided to barge in. I heard Y/N sigh and then we looked at each other. "He tricked me. He pretended to be my friend, he made me feel special, so I developed a crush on him. But he did it all for money, and fun." I gritted my teeth.

"Is there anything else I need to know Y/N? You can tell me anything." She looked at me with her wide eyes. I could tell she was deciding whether to tell me more. "That'll be for another time, when I can tell you all." I looked at her concerned. 'She's hiding something.. not just from me, but from everyone else. What... what if something happens while we're gone? She doesn't know about the job we're taking yet. Jin hyung wants to keep it a secret..' I looked at her and realized something.

'We've all been lying.'

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