C.U.T.E Pt.1

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A/N: the next 3 chapters are gonna be 3 different days when some of the characters are being cute, and lovey dovey 💕💗


[Hoseok's POV]

It's been 2 weeks sense we got Y/N back, and her friends moved in to join our gang. Jungkook started teaching Y/N some self-defense moves, so that she could protect herself if we're gone.

I had started to take more of a liking to Twila. Her long black hair was wavy and beautiful. Her skin looked soft and her eyes shined in the lights. She was beautiful.

I knocked on the Min Twin's room. Kim opened the door and gave me a questioning look.

"Why are you here? And what do you need?" She asked, soon Twila was next to her.

"I was wondering if your beautiful sister, Twila, would like to come with me to a place I know." I said smiling at Twila.

"Ok.. but don't try anything funny." She said folding her arms. I grabbed her hand and took her out to my car.


I parked the car and got out. I opened the door for Twila. She cocked a brow in confusion then just shrugged it off. "Follow me!" I said cheerfully and I heard her let out a small chuckle.

That made me smile more than I already was. We walked down a dirt path which led to a small abandoned barn house. "Are we allowed to go in there? It doesn't look safe.." she said pulling at my sleeve.

"Don't worry! It may look bad on the outside but on the inside it's much better!" I said opening the door wide enough for her to see.

We walked in and she looked shocked at what it was like on the inside. I watched her eyes fall onto the little space where 2 bean bags sat with fairy lights hanging around the small area.

She looked around more and then turned back to me. "It's so nice in here." She said smiling. I'll take you here whenever you want." I said. We both sat there just smiling until I said "Let's go back home now."

She followed me to the car and said "Not so fast," I turned my attention to her, confused. "You took me to a place you knew, so I'll do the same!" She said climbing into the drivers seat. I shrugged and got into the passenger seat.


She stopped in the middle of no where by a bunch of trees. She ran over to a specific tree, looked up, and smiled. 'Cute.' I thought smiling at her. She ran over to me and grabbed my hand, making me blush.

She brought me to the other side of the tree where there was a ladder. My eyes followed the ladder, up to a treehouse. She climbed up first and I waited till she was up there first.

I was cautious while climbing up the ladder "I-it's not going to break right? Like in the movies?" I said looking up at her. She giggled and put her hand out for me to hold, so I quickly climbed up and took her hand as she pulled me up into the wooden treehouse.

I looked around at the small, but cute, treehouse. There were pictures of Twila and her twin, along with two others who I assumed were her parents.

"Me and Kim would run away to here, whenever we needed to get away from our problems." She said as she rubbed her finger along the frame of the family photo.

"It's cute." I said. She looked back at me and smiled. "Let's go back before it gets dark" she said as she walked over to the ladder.

I frowned at the ladder and climbed down.


We got back inside and the first thing I saw was Jungkook and Y/N laying on the couch, exhausted, and watching a movie. I smiled at the scene.

Twila nudged me and I turned my head to her.

"In the car, you said you had a question for me when we got home." I nodded and closed the door behind us.

"Twila, can you spell the word cute for me?" I asked with a sweet smile. She furrowed her brows "Why? You don't know how to?" She said back.

"Please just do it.." I said with puppy dog eyes. She let out a sigh before saying "Fine." I felt a smile tug at my lips.

"C.U.T.E." She spelled it out. (A/N: get it? U "you" hehe, no? Ok..) I smiled brightly, making her even more confused. "She just called me cute!" I said, making my siblings look at us questioningly.

Twila blushed and tried explaining that she didn't actually do it, which made me frown and sigh. 'Better luck next time!' I thought while making my way to the kitchen.


[At dinner]

"We have a mission tonight, but it only requires two of us to go." Namjoon said taking a bite of Kimchi.

"Who's going?" Y/N suddenly asked. She looked worried. "Hoseok and Twila." Namjoon announced. We looked at him and just nodded. "Hehe, perfect, now they'll get even closer..." Little Y/N whispered to Jin. I heard them both giggling.

I gave them a glare and a look saying 'Hey! Stob it!' Jin just smiled funnily.

"Hmph!" Y/N pouted.

"I'll start getting ready, you should too" Twila said getting up from her seat and I nodded.


I parked the van at the destination. "Who's the target again?" I asked Twila and she opened a vanilla folder and her eyes widened. "I-It's no one important, but I think I can do this by myself." She said and I shook my head.

"I'm going with you." I said not letting her leave without me. She sighed as we both carefully made our way to our targets home.

"I'll go in first, as planned, if anything goes wrong come and help." She whispered to me as she walked into the house.

I listened carefully into the sound of her being kicked to the ground. I hesitated on whether to go in or wait a moment. Sounds of shuffling were heard until I heard Twila struggle for air. I snuck over to the window in the kitchen.

I stood behind him but froze when he spoke. "It's too bad you dumped me, because maybe you'd still be living right about now." The man said as he got out a knife. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist.

"Don't worry she's gonna be with me now, so she'll be okay." I said with a fake smile. I kicked him off of her as he grunted in pain. Twila was gasping for air.

I started punching the man, I heard a 'crack'. And assumed I broke his nose. The man went unconscious and I shot him. "Target is eliminated." I said into the walkie-talkie after walking over and helping Twila up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she nodded.


We both sat on the couch and let out a tired sigh. "Hey cutie, who was that guy?" I asked Twila cautiously.

She scoffed and looked at me "First of all, don't call me cutie." I frowned at her response. "Why not? You're so cute." I said noticing a tint of blush on her cheeks.

"He was my ex, but that's not important. What's important is your problem with flirting with me." She said crossing her arms.

"Just ask me out already!" She said out loud before noticing what she said, we both blushed and I chuckled.

"Okay then." I said and she shot her eyes at me. "Will you go out with me?" I asked and the pink shade of blush went darker as she nodded.

We both smiled then heard some giggles. I turned around and saw Jin and Y/N hiding by the stairs.

I gave them a death glare and they immediately went away.

I heard a cute giggle escape from Twila. 'Why is she so cute?' I thought while nervously chuckling.


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