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[Y/N's POV]

Twila was walking with you after school and was telling you jokes that made you cry your eyes out. You loved hanging out with her, she had treated you better than others and protected you.

You felt bad that you only caused problems for others and couldn't protect your friends and family.

"Hey, what do you think about going to a party tonight?" Twila said smiling. "Don't worry nothing bad will happen, I'll protect you." She assured you.

That didn't ease you much. You had a bad feeling about it and then tried to come with a reason to not being able to go. "M-my brothers won't allow me though.." you said.

"Just tell them your having a sleepover with me." You didn't like where this was going but you finally agreed to go.


You were getting close to your house. Then Twila stopped and you stopped walking too. "Good luck! I'll see you at my place around 8." She said and ran off giving you a thumbs up.

You sighed. 'Here goes nothing.'

You walked in and searched around for Jin and Namjoon, when you looked around they were no where to be found.

You decided to get a snack and you noticed a note on the fridge and you took it off the fridge to read it.

We'll be gone for the night but we should be back by the time you wake up. Stay safe and make sure to eat.

- Jin

You sat down and wrote something on a blue sticky note and left it on the table.

Then after you ate your snack you quickly got out of your house and ran over to Twila's house sense it wasn't super far away.

When you got there Twila was waiting by the side of her car. "So you're able to come?" She asked smiling. "Well... there wasnt anyone to tell me no..." you said.


[At the party]

Twila introduces you to a friend of her's at the party. "This is my fraternal twin Min Kim. She's going to be joining us at school soon." You smiled and said hi to her.

"I didn't know you had a twin." You said, she smiled "It's complicated I didn't know if she was going to be able to come to school with me or not." You just silently nodded.

You avoided drinking beer and alcohol. You only went to hang out with Twila and her sister Kim, you were uncomfortable though, because everyone around you was making out and.. yeah. Stuff.

"I'm gonna leave early ok?" You said. "We'll take you home." Kim suggested. "No, no it's fine, I'll be fine." You waved to them and walked out of the house.

People in the front yard were really drunk, talking, and messily dancing to the music. You sped up to avoid any eye contact.

"Yah!" A man yelled at you and you slowly turned around. "Give me your *hiccup* money!" The drunk man said. You shook your head and started taking more steps away from the house.

The man grabbed your arm and accidentally dropped his glass bottle. "Oh." Was all he said before picking up the broken bottle and trying to hit you with it so he could take your money while you were unconscious.

But you grabbed the broken bottle before he could hit you, and in doing this you cut yourself with the glass. You backed away and ran off.

You busted into the house and looked for a health kit in the bathroom. You hissed at your bleeding hand as you cleaned the cut and put a bandage around your hand.

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