Weird dreams

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A/N: this chapter is supposed to be weird and funny, and I'll explain how it's gonna be.

It'll go through 4 different POV's so enjoy!

⚠︎︎ ᗯᗩᖇᑎIᑎᘜ ⚠︎︎

Very weird chapter ;-;


[Jungkook's POV]

[His dream]

I was sneaking out of my room into the kitchen. I saw the plate of cookies and grabbed one until I heard something. "Stob it!" A small voice screeched. "Who's there?!" I whisper yelled.

"Down here, you idiot!" The small voice said again. I looked at the cookie and immediately dropped it.

"W-What the heck?!" I yelled stepping away from the cookie as it got up. "How dare you!" It yelled at me. "Leave me alone you evil creature!!!" I yelled as I ran out of the house.

I ran all the way to my friends house to get his help. I stormed into his room and when he looked at me he had the face of a cookie.

"AHH!" I panicked and ran out of his house. I looked down at the road's pavement.

"Your very rude." A deep voice said. I looked up at a giant cookie. And.... fainted.


[Not in his dream]

I woke up scared until I realized it was only a dream. I let out a sigh of relief and went back to sleep.


I woke up to a pleasant smell. I hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen. "I made cookies, want some?" Jin asked showing me the cookies on a plate.

I smacked the plate out of his hands as he inched the plate closer to me.

"JUNGKOOK!" Jin raised his voice.

{Thus, Jungkook never ate chocolate chip cookies again.}


[Kim's POV]

[Her dream]

I went into school, it was my first day and I was filled with anxiety and excitement. I took a deep breath as I walked into the classroom. I was a little surprised when I saw everyone.

Everyone had a horse face but the teacher had a cow face. "Moo, do you need something? Moo?" The teacher asked weirdly and I just shook my head and went to an empty seat.

"Which grass do you think is better? Green grass or grein grass?" Someone or something, asked me. 'Grein????' I was confused and just gave them a blank face.


I was walking around until I heard running, or more like hooves clanging against the floor a bunch of times. I turned around and saw a herd of horse-people coming my way.

I screamed and started running too.

They chased me around the whole world, through the ocean, the airport, malls, gas stations, schools, grave yards, and even churches.

I was scared and thought I lost them when a horse-person ran up to me and caught me. They grabbed a bunch of grass out of there pocket.

"Try it it's good!" They said as they stuffed the grass into my mouth. I threw it up, and was glad because it tasted like nothing and it was disgusting.


[Not in her dream]

It was 9 pm and Namjoon took me on a romantic date in an area away from the city so that we could see the stars at night.

I looked up at the stars and smiled at how pretty they were. I was also amazed at how many stars there were.

Namjoon pointed out all the constellations which made me happier. For a while we just sat there and stared at the sky.

Then I heard a huff. I turned my head around and saw a few horses running around. I jumped, because of how scared and surprised I was.

Namjoon chuckled. "I didn't know you didn't like horses, do you want me to take you back home, away from them?" He asked me. I quickly nodded.

{Namjoon was okay with taking her back as long as she was happy, and Kim became afraid of horses.}


[Y/N's POV]

[Her very short dream]

You walked into your room and saw a puppet scurry across the floor and go into your closet. You just went blank faced and closed the door.

"Huh." You turned around and went to the kitchen to eat the delicious food that Jin made, it was a good dream.


[Not in her very short dream]

It was 6 pm and you were helping Jin with making dinner until you heard a loud "LOOK WHAT I GOT YOU Y/N!" You immediately turned around and saw Jimin run over to you with a small box.

"Here!" He said with a sweet and bright smile. You opened the box to see a little cute puppet. "Aren't I the best?! Now will you call me oppa?" He asked smiling with puppy dog eyes. "Thanks for the present!" You said setting it down on the table.

He frowned and you chuckled. "Thanks Jiminie oppa!" You said hugging him and he smiled.

{Thus, Y/N was okay and Jimin officially became an oppa.}


[Twila's POV]

[Her dream]

I was at the mall eating with Y/N. I picked up a fry and heard a tiny voice scream and then say "Don't eat me!" I looked around confused.

"Did you say something?" I asked Y/N and she shook her head. I shrugged and took a small bite from the fry and heard another scream.

I looked at the fry, which strangely had glasses on. I just threw the fry into the garbage. Y/N looked at me questioningly. "It was a bad fry." I told her.


[Not in her dream]

Hoseok brought home burgers and fries and I immediately started eating the food. There was one fry that looked like it had glasses, I shrugged and didn't hesitate to eat it.

I heard a small scream but thought I was just imagining things so I just continued eating, which followed with more tiny screams.

{And thus, the innocent Twila, ate all of the French fry people.}


Sorry for the really really reallly reallllyyyy, weird chapter, I was bored okay? Don't hate me please, love u all!💜❤️

~ 𝙱𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 ~

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