3rd grade

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[Taehyung's POV]

"Do you like it Y/N?" I asked

Y/N turned to the mirror and a big smile appeared on her face. "Now I'll look as pretty as the other girls!" I smiled. Her hair grew a bit longer sense around the time she had cancer. It wasn't too long but long enough for me to braid it.

"You're already pretty Y/N." I said. She smiled and hugged me. "Thanks Tae Tae oppa!" My heart melted. 'Awww Y/N is such a cute little kid. I can't believe she's already 9!! I'm glad she's still as sweet and small as ever.'


"Are you excited for your first day in 3rd grade Y/N/N?" She nodded smiling. I smiled back. I was the only one who was able to get Y/N ready and take her to school. Jin was shopping for groceries, Yoongi was recording a song, Namjoon was studying for his College Exams, Hoseok was at dance practice, Jimin was at work, and last but not least, Jungkook was at school.

I happened to be the only one who wasn't busy with doing something. "Alright, Y/N we're here!" I turned to her, this time she was looking nervous. "What's wrong?" I asked. "What if they don't like me Tae Tae? Do you think they know about what happened to me a year ago?" She was playing with her fingers.

"I'm sure they'll love you." I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Who doesn't?" She smiled back. "Bye Tae Tae oppa!" We waved to each other, and I watched her go in. 'She'll be okay, right?'


[Y/N's POV]

You walked up to the school, but even after Tae tried to cheer you up, no matter what, you were still nervous.


So far your day was going well, but you hadn't made any friends because of how quiet you were. You watched others kids talk and laugh.

Your teacher in math hadn't shown up yet when a boy taller than you walked up to you. "How come you like like a dude and not a girl?" the boy asked. "I- uh-," you were so nervous and scared that you couldn't speak. "I- I, what? Geez your such a baby" he teased.

You stayed silent and looked down. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, and answer me when I ask you a question!" He raised his voice and other students were looking at the both of you, the boys friends were snickering.

You looked up as he commanded "I had Leukemia when I was 7" you continued "and we cut my hair so I wouldn't loose too much hair" you answered.

"Ewww" he responded. "Stay away I don't want your 'Leukemia' disease!!" He laughed and sat by his friends. You felt your tears burning behind your eyes but you wouldn't let them fall.


When you were at lunch, you looked around for an empty table.

You finally found one and head to it when you accidentally bumped into someone.


"I-I'm so, so sorry!!" You bowed your head and kept apologizing. "How dare you?!" The boy from earlier yelled. Once again, people turned in your direction to see what was happening. The boy grabbed someone's apple juice and poured it on your head.

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