Happy ending

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A/N: I can't believe I'm already ending it! But just letting you all know, I am planning on making a Book II, so look forward to that! I enjoyed writing this, it was really fun, and the next one will be even better! (I hope)

Stay tuned, I will try to make the first chapter for the second book next week, I'll make an update in this book to tell you when I release it. Enjoy the last chapter! And thank you all for reading it!


[Jin's POV]

I was in the ambulance car with Y/N, and the hardest part about the whole ride to the hospital was to see the doctors having to tend to the wounds. Sense she was shot twice I could tell the doctors didn't think she was going to live.

I held her hand the whole ride and I wasn't giving up on her, she almost died once, but survived.


I was waiting outside of the emergency room and was on the phone with Yoongi, informing them about everything. I was stressed and anxious just like everyone else.

Soon a loud sound of footsteps were heard down the hall, I turned my head and stood up. "How is she?" Three of them asked. "They're still operating on her, she's lost a lot of blood." I said weakly, remembering all the blood that stained her clothes.

"She'll be okay right? Right..?" Kim asked side hugging Namjoon, and we all went silent.

"Are you Miss Y/N's family?" A man in a doctors uniform asked walking up to us and we nodded. "You should all sit down." He said gesturing towards the seats.

He took a deep sigh and gave us a sad smile. "We've gotten one of the bullets out but we're having a hard time getting the other one out but I can assure you we're trying our best, and it'll be out soon," he continued.

"luckily, none of her organs were hit." He informed, only a small bit of relief came over me but only for a brief second.

"Due to the loss of blood though, she'll most likely be unconscious for a while. I suggest you go home and get some rest." He said with another sad smile.

"She'll live though, right?" Felix asked quietly standing up. I could see the sadness in his eyes, and I was sure mine were the same.

"We've noticed her body isn't giving up, she's fighting to stay alive, and were also fighting to keep her alive, so I can only promise we'll do our best." He said walking closer and getting a paper out of his pocket. And he handed it to Felix.

"This paper slipped out of her pocket and we thought you should have it sense it's for you all." He said walking back to the emergency room.

"Before we read the note, should we all go home?" Twila asked and I nodded. "I'm staying." Felix said staying in the same position, not moving an inch.

"Felix... she would want you to get some rest and sleep, so come on." Hoseok said grabbing his arm but Felix just pulled it out of his grip.

Yoongi gave him a frustrated look. "If you don't come with us then Y/N won't be happy, and we wouldn't want that, now would we?" he said.

"Fine.." he let out a heavy sigh and followed behind us.


"I'll open it first." Yoongi said grabbing the paper hesitantly from Felix. He opened it and his expression saddened more while he continued reading it.

Then he passed it to me as he sniffed and walked away to his room. I was scared to open it but did it anyways.

Hey! Sorry I went there by myself, I don't know what happened but knowing me and my luck, it went pretty bad, huh?

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