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A/N: I didn't know what to name it so I just went with "Strange..." 😂



[Y/N's POV]

You and Kim were waiting outside of the medical room (at home). After Twila got shot you guys immediately brought her home and Jin was doing his best to clean and help her wound heal.

Jimin, Namjoon, and Taehyung were with Wanna One, and SEVENTEEN back at the Legions base, cleaning. Which would be taking them a while.


Hoseok soon joined in on waiting.

The others just arrived home and 3 of you were only waiting on Jin and Twila now.

The smell of delicious food reaches your nose and you sprung up and over to the kitchen to find Yoongi cooking. He noticed you and saw you look hungrily at the food.

"Wait till your friend and Jin get out of that room, then we can eat." He said standing in front of the food defensively. You pouted. "Okay..." you sad drooping walking back and waiting at the door.

Jin opened the door and was a bit surprised to see the three of you sitting there like dogs waiting for their owner to come back home. Soon Twila was in the doorway and you jumped up to hug her. You both smiled as you carefully led her to the kitchen.

You sat her in between you and Hoseok, and for some reason Jungkook and Hoseok were acting weird around her. But they weren't acting in the same way. Jungkook seemed apologetic, and Hoseok.... was being.... flirty?

"I'm sorry about yesterday.." Jungkook said hanging his head low. Twila shook her head "I'm sorry too." She said with a sweet smile. Jungkook lifted his head up and smiled too.

Your attention drifted over to a shy Namjoon and a also shy Kim. 'Why is everyone being weird today? Well I mean Taehyung isn't being weird it's normal for him to chase after every animal he sees.' You thought staring at Taehyung who was chasing Yeontan around.

You started eating the delicious food when Jin spoke up, everyone's eyes on him "Twila, you and Kim could join our gang or live with us if you want." He offered.

"Yeah, she's starting to grow on me, I like her." Hoseok said putting his arm around her shoulders. Twila scoffed and took his arm off.

"No need to confess, the answer is no." Twila said.

Hoseok frowned "Aww, really? How could you turn down such an amazing man like me?" He said offended. You held back a laugh and Hoseok glared at you.

"In your dreams sunshine!" Twila scoffed and chuckled. Now everyone was snickering. "I'll give you something to dream about." Hoseok said with a flirtatious smile, making Twila slightly blush.

Everyone went silent.



You gave a glare to Taehyung. "What? Is now not the time?" He said pausing the cricket sound on his phone.

Jungkook sighed. "Do you guys have to do this here? We're eating and your doing it in front of me! Get a room!" He complained.

You scoffed and chuckled at his complaint. "Like your one to talk, international playboy." You teased.

"Yah! What do you mean?!" Jungkook talked back. You stood up and folded your arms "I see you flirting with different girls all the time!" You proved your point and showed a victory smirk on your face that didn't last long when Jungkook began again.

"Well- uh... sense you said that I get to tell everyone what you did last week!" He said making your eyes widen. "Wait Jungkook don-," he cut you off.

Everyone was watching you and Jungkook when he said "Y/N and Felix were kissing each other last week at the movies!"

They were silent for a moment, which scared you. "Ima kill you Jungkoo-," you were cut off once again.

"Where is that sneaky fox?!" Namjoon said sternly while getting out of his seat. "He's so dead when I find him..." Jimin claimed following Namjoon out of the kitchen.

"Y/N/N where does he live?" Yoongi asked trying to act natural.

"All they need to do now is have babies...!" Jin said excitedly doing a single clap with his hands. Everyone stared at him and Namjoon and Jimin gave him a glare.

"I said that out loud didn't I...?" Jin said nervously chuckling.

They all nodded in an awkward silence. You nodded too.


"How's your shoulder?" You asked while checking in on Twila. She showed an 'ok' sign with one of her hands along with a smile.

"Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok are getting your things and bringing them back here. The rest are making a deal with Blackpink, to keep you and Kim safe." You informed. She hummed. "Thank you." She whispered.

You smiled "Anything for my friends." You said making her smile too. Kim walked in "I'll show you to your room." You said leading them to a beautiful and large room.

"This used to be our parents room, but we wouldn't mind letting you both use it." You kindly said as Twila and Kim looked at the room in awe.

"Huh? What's that?" Kim said walking up to a painting of the Kim family on the the wall. She grabbed at a small paper pointing out in the corner of the painting. You and Twila walked over to see.

Kim handed you the paper. "It's for you." Kim said slightly smiling. "Oh.. I'm gonna go to my room to read this, you guys can just look around." You said excusing yourself from the room.

You quickly walked up the stairs and into your room. You sat on your bed and sighed.

You closed your eyes for a moment before opening the letter.

Hello darling.

This is your mother, Ga-in, and your father, Sang-ook. We hope you are doing well, and that you're happy with your brothers. We're sorry we left you and would like to explain why. I don't know if you knew this, but we worked with and old gang known as "Dark Chocolate".

We had a mission come up when you were around the age of 3, it was dangerous but we needed to help the other members of our gang so we left. And due to our absence the maids came up with an excuse.

A painful one, they said we left because we couldn't handle the pressure of being with you all, but we love you all so much. I hope you don't hate us...

You started tearing up as you turned the paper over to continue reading it.

We aren't dead, in fact this message arrived on 4-17-2020. (A/N: or you guys can just choose whatever month, day, and year it is, idc.)

'3 days ago?' You thought and continued reading.

We're okay, but hope to see you all one day. We can't come to you though, you'd have to come to us, your brothers can't come though, they can't know or they'll be upset and won't let you speak to us.

We love you,
Stay safe little angel.

- Mom and Dad

You folded up the paper and put it under some clothes in your drawer. You didn't know what to think so you decided to think about it later, it was a lot to process but you couldn't risk letting anyone else know.

You sighed and walked down the stairs. 'Today is strange.'


Sorry if it's too short, but I wanted to be more of a fun chapter, and when I stopped at the end of the funny part it wasn't very long so I decided to keep writing.

Also I didn't know what to name the chapter, so if it's confusing, I apologize!💜💜💜

Stay safe!🧻 also, coronavirus doesn't exist in this fan fiction owo.

~ 𝙱𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 ~

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