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(A/N, I'm skipping forward to her Junior year in HS because tbh I didn't know what to write for the next chapter. SRRY!!! And I'm not a very violent person, so, yea. Let's just say those kids won't ever be returning to Seoul.)


[Y/N's POV]

'I'm so glad those bullies moved away, it's less trouble for me.' You thought as you were walking to work. You worked a part time job to save up money for an apartment and college. You found a good college that would help your pursue your singing career.

You walked in and went to the employee room. 'Another day of rude costumers, and pushy employees.' You sighed to yourself as you thought. Starbucks, that's the place you work at. You've seen many people upset for no reason.

You started making drinks, and taking orders for people in the drive-thru line. 'Please don't give me any rude costumers today! I have to go meet up with Felix after this!' You finished making a drink for someone and have them their order. "That'll be $4.25 ma'am." You said. "4.25? Excuse me, I think you got the wrong size of cup, please redo it." You took the cup back and apologized.

You came back with the size she wanted. "Take the money." She said as you took it. "Thank you, have a good day." You said as she drove off. 'Well at least she didn't get too mad at me.' You sighed.


You heard a lady raising her voice at your manager, so you went to see what was happening. And you saw the lady from earlier complaining to your manager. You walked over and asked "Is there a problem?" She looked at you. "Yes. Yes there is! You put too much cinnamon in my drink! And it usually tastes much better when I come here, but now it tastes like trash!" She stated.

'But I put the right amount in..... what's her problem?' You looked at the cup. "May I taste it so I can see?" You asked. "Sure!" She yelled while spilling the drink on you. Other employees and customers just watched.

"Ma'am you need to leave." Your manager said. Him, and another employee escorted her out and then your manager came back. "You okay? You go home early today." He said worried. The hot drink burned against your skin, and the drink stained your clothes. You sighed and smiled. "Yes I'm okay. And thanks, I'll head home now." You said as you waved goodbye.

You got in your car and saw the lady who spilled her drink on you, walking up to you. You quickly started your car and locked the doors just in case. You reached for your phone and called Felix. "Hello Y/N?" He said. You looked out the window at the lady who was waiting for you to get off your phone. "I'm so sorry, I don't think I'm going to make it there. I've run into some problems at work." You said calmly.

"Oh.. are you going to be okay?" He said worriedly. You heart fluttered when he asked you this in his worried voice. 'What am I feeling?' You smiled. "Yea I'll be okay, just don't wait for me anymore." You said as you hung up.

You turned your head to the lady and started frowning. "Can I help you?" You said as you rolled down your window. "Your manager banned me from going back there." She complained. "Well I'm sorry ma'am but, you did pour your drink on an employee for no reason. It was a bit childish." You whispered the last part. She scoffed. "I heard that." You looked up at her, and you watched her getting a pocket knife out of her pant pocket.

She started scratching it along your car. You quickly got out and slapped it out of her hand. "What is your problem?! If I need to I'll call the manager AND police out here." You said. People outside we're watching you and one person was recording everything.

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