Min Twila Pt.2

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A/N: I forgot to mention this in the last chapter so I'll just say it now. I love Halsey so much but, only in the story she's kinda bad. Luv u Halsey!!!!

Also thank you JimminySnake for voting for my story I was quite shocked when you kept voting for it but thanks anyways 😂. And of course, thank you to the other readers who have been reading and voting for my story💜.


[Twila's POV]

"Kim we can't get her back by ourselves, and we're not going to kill her brothers. We need to get their help." I said. I may have been sad earlier but now only anger and rage filled me.

'I'm not letting any of them die. Even if it means I have to die.' I planned out what we were going to do and we made our way out to the Kim's house.

"Wait- who's help, again?" Kim asked. I sighed "The only help we can get, which is from BTS."


[Author's POV]

The Min twins were on their way to the Kim's house, while Blackpink was still searching for the Min's. BTS was chilling back at home, they heard a loud screech from outside.

The twins rushed towards the door leaving Jin to open the door in surprise. All the brothers gathered around the door. "We need to talk." Twila said. "No, I think not." Jungkook said pushing them out of the doorway.

Twila forced herself in, along with Kim. "We don't have time for arguments!" Kim spoke up so everyone listened to them, but Jungkook wasn't falling for it. He thought it was a trick. He grabbed them by the wrists and dragged them both out still tightly holding on. The others watched, not wanting to get in Jungkook's way.

Twila kicked him in the stomach. "Just listen to us!" She hissed. Her patience was low and they needed to hurry. "We need to save Y/N! She's in danger!" Twila explained.

Jungkook just slapped Twila. "Like we should believe you." He hissed back. Twila was getting back up from the ground and punched him. "Fine! Don't believe us! But don't blame me when Y/N never comes back alive!" Twila said turning around and walking over to the car.

Hoseok didn't want to risk anything so he decided to hear them out. He ran over to Twila before she could get in and slammed the door shut with has back against the door."I'll listen to you.." He spoke.

Twila sighed "Only if you can get your brothers to listen to me too." She said frustrated.


[Twila's POV]

I was heading back to my car contemplating on weather to turn around and try harder or just save Y/N myself.

Either way, I was going to get her back even if it means getting myself hurt, or even killed. My thoughts were interrupted when I was trying to get in the car only for the door to be slammed closed.

I looked at one of the members of BTS as he opened his mouth to speak. "I'll listen to you.." he said.

I sighed 'Hey, at least one of them care enough to listen!' I thought while looking at him. "Only if you can get your brothers to listen to me too." I responded. I needed more than one person's help.

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