Sorry Pt.2

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[Jungkook's POV]

"She was 24 hours to live, im sorry"

My world shattered when I heard those words. 'My 7 year old sister is going to die? What did she do to deserve this..?' Before I knew it I was once again in tears.

I reached out for my sisters hand. "Please... don't leave me too..." I whispered. I saw my other brothers crying, Jin was even more upset. "I'll give you all some time to say your goodbyes" the doctor said before leaving.

"Why did this have to happen to her?" I said, my throat was dry and my eyes were burning from the tears. I choked on my words "She's too young."


[Authors POV]

Each of the Kim brothers said their goodbyes to their little sister. The doctors said their apologies. The poor girl was leaving them so soon.

The next morning the doctors were expecting to see her lifeless body laying on the bed, but they saw something unexpected. "Y/N?! She's still alive?!"

The doctors rushed over to her and called her brothers over for an emergency. "She's alive!" The nurse said with joy." It was truly a miracle.


[Jin's POV]

I received a call for the doctor who was taking care of Y/N. I was expecting him to tell me something like "I'm sorry about your sister.." but instead I got a different response.

"Your sisters alive!!" You could hear people talking in the background and people tending her. You were shocked. "I-I- are you sure?!" I couldn't believe it! She's okay! I thought I really lost my baby sister.


I ran up the stairs after speaking with the doctor. I went to everyone's rooms, one by one yelling "She's alive!!!"

"Jin hyung.. what are you talking about?" Taehyung said. His skin was pale with bags under his eyes. All of his brothers, including him, weren't looking too good, after a all they were told their little sister was going to die in 24 hours. "Y/N's alive! She didn't die!! The doctor told me, we have to go quickly" I said dragging them out to the car with me.


The ride there was quite but we were all relieved that she wasn't gone. "We're here!" I said smiling, they looked at me, some smiling, while others were still quite. We ran to her room and found Y/N looking out a window.

"Y/N!!! I thought you were going to die" I said running over to her crying. 'I thought you were gone forever.. please don't worry me like this again'


[Y/N's POV]

You smiled. But soon after you realized that your brothers didn't look too good. Jin's hair was a mess, his eyes were swollen too. You frowned looking at your other brothers. "Are you guys okay?" You said still hugging Jin oppa. "We're the ones who should be asking that" Jimin replied with a soft smile.

You hugged all your brothers. And once again shedding as many tears as your eyes could let fall. It was hard for them to think they were going to loose another person. It was hard on you too, you lost a lot. When you had woke up they were testing you to make sure you were okay. You had forgotten how to walk, lost your hair, and you were going to get sick easily.


A week later your brothers came to visit you again but this time they brought presents. Sense you weren't able to celebrate your birthday as you guys planned, they wanted to make it up to you. They brought plushies, a cake, candy, and the necklace you had begged for.

You felt a smile tug on your face along with a few tears escaping. And you thought to yourself 'Thank you for giving me such great brothers.. and I'm sorry for putting the oppa's through so much pain'


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