Intro/Authors Note

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Story Intro: You move to LA and get a job at Smosh, but you can't get one particular person out of your head; Shayne Topp. Smosh Summer Games, filming sketches, and general office shenanigans are all signs pointing to you and Shayne being more than just coworkers.

A/N: Hey guys! I am super excited to be writing this story and, needless to say, I am a huge Smosh fan lol. This is the first fanfiction I've ever written so I have no clue how this is going to go. This is a Shayne Topp x Reader, and for the record, not smut.

There may be some swearing, I haven't decided yet, but if I do decide to include some, it won't be very intense because I'm not a big fan of swearing in general.

Also, if you're on a device that runs google chrome you should get this extension called Interactivefic. It basically takes things like "Y/N" and replaces it with your actual name or other personalized information in the story so it's like you're actually in it! Highly recommend.

Just some things you should know:

Y/N = Your name

Y/L/N = Your last name

Y/S/N = Your ship name (with Shayne)

If any others come along I will put a * beside them and then you can see what they are at the bottom of each chapter.

I'm Canadian, so you might see some words that include an extra 'u' or something, bear with me here lol. Also, I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar errors, I'll probably be writing these pretty quickly and won't be editing thoroughly.

Feel free to comment or leave suggestions, just please be nice :)

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