Chapter 3: First Day - Part 1

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Y/N's POV:

I practically jump out of bed at the sound of my alarm. Today is my first day of Smosh. Enough said. Because I have a lot of energy (which is quite rare) I decide to go for a run. I lace up my Nike sneakers and leave the apartment complex as quietly as I can, Meghan isn't awake yet, and I'm sure a lot of other people in the building aren't either. The air is brisk but I can feel the sun starting to heat up LA. It still feels strange to me to say "I live in LA". When I was younger, LA seemed like some sort of fantasy place, as I lived in a small town in the Maritimes of Canada. The streets of LA aren't quite busy yet but still definitely a lot of people on them. As I continue to run I realize I'm not quite cut out for running, and I have to stop to catch my breath. Running feels good, and it seems like a good idea, but then you lose your breath and feel like you're dying.

I return to the apartment, my hair in a very messy ponytail after running, and I see that Meghan is now awake.

"Good morning!" I say cheerfully.

"Good morning, I'm going to assume you went for a run," Meghan says looking me up and down.

"Yep. Today is my first day at Smosh, and running seemed like a good way to start the day." I pause, "I just realized I never asked you what you did for a living. We've spent some time getting to know each other and yet I have no clue where you work."

She laughs, "In short, I get paid by random people aspiring to get their books published by editing them."

"Oh, that's actually pretty cool." I smile and she chuckles.

I grab a towel and take a shower, rinsing away all the sweat that I acquired from running. I then get dressed in a pair of ripped jean shorts and a semi-cropped yellow tank top. I put in my contacts and apply some light and natural makeup.

I glance at the clock on my bedside table, 8:30. Okay, I have half an hour to get to the Smoffice. Wait, did I really just think 'Smoffice'? Is that a thing? Whatever. It's going to take me maybe twenty minutes to walk there, so I should probably leave now. I grab my bag and quickly put in my essentials. I say goodbye to Meghan before I slip on my converse and head out the door.

On my way to the Mythical Entertainment building, I can't stop smiling. Things are actually coming together, and kinda quickly too. I guess I'm just lucky.

Soon enough I find myself walking through the parking lot of Mythical Entertainment and up to the front doors. Alright, second floor, or was it third floor? I decide to check the email Ian sent me again. Second floor, got it. As soon as I walk through the front doors I'm immediately greeted by some smiling faces. Everyone just seems happy to be here, though there aren't many people here yet, but the ones who are here seem happy. Across the room, I spot Rhett, I have a brief fangirl moment, no Y/N, you work with these people, be calm, cool, and professional. I find the stairs and walk up the second floor where I find Ian.

"Y/N! Hey! Welcome to the Smoffice!" He gestures widely to the whole area. I guess 'Smoffice' is a thing.

He continues, "As you know, you are beginning your two, basically, trial weeks. Just to see how you fit, if you enjoy it, etc. Chances are you'll still be here after the two weeks so don't let that get to your head, it's just routine. We will be filming some random videos with you in them in these two weeks to see how you really are on camera, but we won't be posting them, at least not right away. And as you also know, you're our newest addition to the Smosh Squad, so far Courtney and Noah and maybe Shayne are here already, so come with me and I'll introduce you."

I just smile and nod, still taking it all in. I follow him to a room where I find Courtney and Noah sitting on some beanbag chairs. They immediately look up when Ian and I walk into the room.

"Courtney, Noah, this is Y/N, your newest member!" Ian pushes me forward slightly.

I smile, "Hey guys..." I don't know what else to say.

Ian leaves and I'm just left standing there until Courtney stands up and hugs me. I hug her back, looking at Noah, who just shrugs.

"Hi." Courtney says after letting go, "Welcome to Smosh Squad! You're going to love it here! Ian showed us your audition tape and I already have a good feeling about you."

Her words wash a wave relief over me. Great, she likes me, thank freaking goodness.

Noah holds out his hand for what looks like a handshake, when I take it he pulls me onto the beanbag next to him.

"Yeah welcome, these are the beanbags, the best part of the Smoffice." He smiles.

I giggle slightly, still being very awkward. Shayne suddenly busts into the room and does his signature scream. When he sees me, he stops in his tracks and stares for a second before leaving the room. He instantly walks back in, his hands pressed together and touching his lips.

"Well," He laughs slightly, "This is an interesting first impression of me I'm sure. You must be Y/N, I'm Shayne, and I apologize for my entrance."

I laugh and stand up, holding my hand out. He shakes it, not breaking eye contact which is honestly quite intimidating.

"Your entrance was lovely. Nice to meet you, Shayne." I say, still shaking his hand. I notice that he's a lot better looking in person, which is saying something because he looks amazing on camera.

Olivia and Keith walk into the room. Keith flops down on a beanbag chair not even noticing I'm there. When he looks up to see the rest of us staring at him he jumps up and pulls me into a bro hug.

"I'm not good with new people. Let's get that straight." He laughs awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"I am good with new people!" Olivia interrupts and hugs me, "How are you?"

"I'm great, thanks. Listen..." They all turn to face me, Keith and Noah settle into the beanbags, Courtney and Olivia lean against the wall, and Shayne sits on a desk. I start talking really fast to get what I'm about to say over with, "I've never been the new person before. I lived in one house all my life, always attended the same school, whatever. And I know it's kinda weird to have to include someone new in your group when you guys already have such a great bond on your own. And trust me, you guys all seem so nice but you're also really frickin intimidating. I have two trial weeks, and I'm really hoping they go well because it would be amazing to work with you people. I'm going to try my best to be chill but trust me, I'm freaking out. So you know..." My voice trails off because I don't know what else to say. It's true, I have never bee the new person, and I have no clue how to act.

Shayne stands up and slings his arm over my shoulder. It feels very comforting to have such a muscular arm around me, like I'm safe. Realizing that it's Shayne Topp's arms around me gives me butterflies in my stomach.

"We were all new too at one point. You seem awesome, and you're right, it is kinda weird to have to include someone new into our little group. But also make note that we approved adding someone new to the Smosh Squad before the position was offered. We're glad to have you here." He gently squeezes my shoulder and I start to blush slightly.

"I golden retriever people. AKA I can tend to come on too strong because I love new friends. So you don't have to worry about being included." Courtney says, coming up to the other side of me and putting her arm around me too.

"I don't have much to say, but I like your style," Olivia says doing finger guns.

Keith scratches his head, "I have issues connecting with people. You know I got 'dem trust issues and what not but that's not your fault. You seem cool, welcome to Smosh Squad."

Before I can say anything Noah grabs one of my hands that is hanging by side and pulls so me, Courtney, and Shayne all fall back onto the beanbags with their arms still around my shoulders.

"That's the second time you've done that!" I start laughing and so do the rest of the Smosh Squad.

"Thank you guys. That was probably the best possible scenario." I smile.

"What's the worst possible scenario" Noah asks.

"Um, you guys don't like me, immediately reject me from your squad, I get fired, and have to go back to working at Starbucks," I say.

Courtney makes a face, "Well we wouldn't want you to have to work at Starbucks."

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