Chapter 6: Road To The Apocalypse

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A/N: Okay so, for storyline reasons I have to switch up details about Smosh Summer Games Apocalypse. This really isn't based on what happened in the actual games or teams or whatever, SSG Apocalypse is just the setting. So bear with me here lol. Okay byeeeee, enjoy the story! <3

Y/N's POV:

The uber pulls up in front of the Mythical Entertainment building. I thank the driver and go to get my stuff out of the trunk. Shayne runs over and gets my bag for me before I have the chance.

"Thanks but you don't have to carry my bags for me, I can do it." I smile.

"A lady should be able to carry her bags, but she shouldn't have to." Shayne smiles that stupid smile of his and my heart almost melts.

We walk over to the rest of the group who are waiting for our vehicles to arrive.

"Hey, Y/N! You better be getting pumped for your first summer games!" Keith says, slinging his arm over my shoulder, "Are you athletic?"

I chuckle, "Yeah, I'd say I'm pretty athletic. I'm not that strong but I'm quite coordinated."

"How so?" Courtney asks, but she's interrupted by two vehicles pulling up beside the curb and Ian grabbing a megaphone.

"Alrighty. Vehicles are here and here are the teams. You will be going in a vehicle with your team because that's just easy. On ToxiciTea we have, Joven, Mari, Shayne, Y/N, Wes, and myself!

Everyone cheers and Wes starts shaking me, "YES. WE HAVE Y/N!" He yells, "WE HAVE NEWCOMERS LUCK!"

"Congratulations, Wes." Ian laughs and continues, "On Mushroom Clout we have Noah, Damien, Keith, Lasercorn, Courtney and Olivia!"

We cheer again, "Now get your bags in the vehicles and get ready for Smosh Summer Games Apocalypse!" Ian yells.

We all put our bags into our separate vehicles. I'm a little disappointed that I'm not on Olivia and Courtney's team, but at least I have Mari.

Courtney hugs me goodbye before we get into our separate vehicles. I climb into the van and look at what spots are left.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask Shayne, pointing to the empty spot next to him.

"No, have a seat." He smiles. Mari climbs in next to me. In the back of our vehicle are Joven and Wes, in the middle seats are myself, Mari, and Shayne, and upfront is our driver (obviously) and Ian is riding shotgun. The middle seat is definitely the most crowded but Mari and I aren't that big so it's alright. Ian hands me a camera on a small tripod.

"Wha- why are giving me this?" I ask.

"It's called vlogging. You can start us off." He says.

"Oh, oh gosh, how do I turn it on?" I say, surveying the camera.

"It's already on, just start talking and we'll begin the vlog." He laughs.

"Oh, alright..." I hesitate before turning the camera around to myself, "Um, hi there, people. We're uh, going to the middle of nowhere to try to survive the apocalypse!"

Everyone cheers as I pan to them, Shayne starts laughing.

I point the camera at him, "What? You got something to say?"

He continues laughing lightly, "No, no, you're just obviously very uncomfortable vlogging."

"I beg a differ." I say pointing the camera to myself before Shayne takes it from me.

"Relax more. Vlogs are supposed to be chill." He says, checking himself out in the viewfinder.

"Fine, then you do it." I smile and cross my arms.

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