Chapter 16: Boys n' Bras

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Shayne's POV:

I wake up to the sound of my phone dinging. I roll over in bed and grab my phone from the charger. I sit up when I see it's a text from Y/N.

That One Chick

Hey! I was wondering if you could drive me to work today... It's raining quite a bit and Meghan is busy.


Absolutely! I'll be there at 8:45ish

That One Chick

Great, thank you so much!


No problem :)


I look out my bedroom window and see that it is in fact raining a lot, which is strange because it almost never rains in LA.

I get out of bed and put a shirt on before going into the kitchen and making a cup of coffee. I pick up my "The Shredded Chef" cookbook and find an omelet recipe. I mean, I know how to make an omelet but if I use the cookbook I'm gonna be shredded so...

After I'm done eating I brush my teeth, grab my keys, and head out my car. I quickly throw all the stuff that's in the passenger's seat into the backseat and out of sight. I don't need Y/N thinking I'm a slob, because I'm not.

I pull up to Y/N's apartment and she immediately runs to my car so she doesn't get too wet from the rain.

"Hey! Thanks for picking me up." Y/N smiles, as she gets in.

"No problem, wouldn't want you to have to walk in the rain." I say, putting my hand behind her headrest so I can back out onto the street.

"Are you ready to lose today?" She asks.

"Lose what?" I chuckle.

"Your appetite." She laughs.

"Oh, that's right. We're doing an Eat it or Yeet it. Are you joining?" I ask, glancing over at her.

"I sure am. And I'm a very picky eater so I'm quite scared, but also excited." I can see her smile out of the corner of my eye.

I pull into the Mythical parking lot and Y/N and I bolt it to the building. We still get wet though, her hair is damp and hanging in her face slightly. I reach up my hand and push the strand out of her face. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Hey guys!" Courtney runs up to us, "Eat it or Yeet it is starting soon."

"I thought we were doing that in the afternoon?" I say.

"No, we're doing a different video that's a surprise for you, but Y/N is helping me." Courtney smiles at Y/N who has this goofy grin on her face.

"Oh no, what are you two planning and why am I involved?" I sigh.

"Don't worry, it'll be fun... for us." Y/N laughs and we follow Courtney into the studio.

"Alright, get ready for some nasty food to be put into your tired bodies!" Garrett laughs as we enter.

"Seriously it's too early for this." I say, fake yawning.

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