Chapter 12: Road Home

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Shayne's POV:

I wake up and I'm half expecting Y/N to be up against me again, I quickly realize she's not and that was just a one-time thing. I glance over to Damien's bed where he's snoring loudly. I sit up and put a shirt on, I spot my spare team shirt across the room which Y/N bled all over and I chuckle to myself. Today we're driving back to LA, I hope I can sit next to Y/N in the vehicle again. Wait no, what am I thinking? I shake it off and start to gather my things and pack my bags. 

Damien wakes up and looks at me, "No company this morning?" He smirks.

"No company this morning?" I repeat him in an annoying voice. He just laughs, "What time are we leaving?"

"Eleven." I reply. He nods and I zip up my bag and open the door into the hallway. I turn around and find Y/N shaking her door handle.

"Courtney! Open up! Not cool." Y/N says into the door. I glance at her outfit which is clearly her pajamas. She's wearing really short red plaid pajama shorts and a black tank top. I notice Wes walking down the hall, he waves and I wave back.

I clear my throat and Y/N turns around slowly, her cheeks almost as red as her shorts which she then tries to pull down but they don't cover anything more.

"Good morning." I chuckle.

"Hi. I uh- Courtney, she-" Y/N's voice trails off, clearly not knowing how to explain why she's in the hallway in her pajamas.

"Do you need some help?" I laugh.

"I was just talking to Wes quickly and then Courtney locked the door. I'm stranded." She smiles shyly.

"You're welcome to come into my room until Courtney opens up so you don't have to stand here in your pajamas." I smile.

She glances down at her outfit and crosses her arms, "Yeah, that'd be great."

I knock on my door, "Damien! Are you decent enough for a girl to see you?"

"It's locked." He replies.

"Well can you unlock it?" I ask.

"No, I like Courtney's way of doing things." Damien replies, indicating he was listening the whole time.

I sigh, "C'mon man, open up!"

No response, I turn to Y/N and she shrugs, "Guess I'll just stay here." Y/N slides down the wall and pulls her knees up to her chest. Just then Courtney opens the door a crack, "Hey guys, what's up?" She says, cooly. I push open the door easily and Courtney stumbles back. Y/N jumps up and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, "Thanks Shayne!" and she runs inside. When the door closes I reach up and touch my cheek where she kissed it. Damien opens our door, "Nice." He smirks. I roll my eyes and walk to the dining area to get some breakfast, Damien follows.

Courtney, Mari, and Y/N join us at our table, followed by Keith and Noah.

"Hey, guys! How have your mornings been so far?" Mari smiles.

I glance at Y/N who just smiles and shakes her head, "Interesting. Courtney thought it would be funny to lock me out of the room in some, not so work-appropriate clothes." Y/N laughs.

"You know you love me," Courtney smiles, "and you looked fine."

"I'm sure it was alright, you look cute in anything. Plus, I bet nobody even saw you." Mari says bumping Y/N with her shoulder. Y/N's cheeks turn red and she glances at me. I smirk and laugh a little. Keith looks up at me, "Judging by the way Shayne's all giddy, I think he did." Keith laughs.

"Alright, alright. I got her into her room though. And Courtney, you suck at pranks." I say.

After breakfast, we all help pack up our filming stuff and load it into the vehicles that arrive. 

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