Chapter 1: Here We Go

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Y/N's POV:

I wake up to the sound of my alarm, which is the most annoying sound ever.

7:00am. Alright. My flight is at 11:25, it takes about an hour to drive to the airport, and I think it's just a common rule to be there at least an hour before your flight, so I need to leave by 9:25.

I roll out of bed, grab a towel, and go take a shower. As I'm washing shampoo out of my hair everything starts to set in; by the end of the day today, I'll be starting a new life in LA. That's insane. And who knows if I'll even be able to book anything? Maybe I'll completely fail, and I'll realize acting isn't meant for me. No, positive thoughts, Y/N, positive thoughts.

I get out of the shower and put on some black ripped skinny jeans and a light pink crop top. As I'm slipping on my shoes to walk to the Tim Horton's down the street I can hear the kids in the apartment above mine jumping up and down.

"I guess I'm gonna miss them," I say to myself. Just then I hear one of them scream, "Nevermind" I whisper.

After I get my coffee I return to my apartment and feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. It's a text from my dad.

Father: Hey, what time should we be at your apartment?

Me: 9?

Father: Okay, see you then. Love you.

Me: Love you too.

I finish packing my stuff, which isn't a lot. I only moved into my apartment a couple of months ago, and now I'm leaving again. I don't have much furniture because the apartment came with a few items and I never really bothered getting anything to make it homely, so moving to another country is actually quite easy.

*Time skip to airport*

Mom and Dad drop me off at the airport and we say our goodbyes.

"Call us as soon as you land." My mom says, her eyes filling with tears.

"You know I will," I reply.

"Alright well, have a safe flight, and good luck on your new adventure. I love you." My dad pulls me into a hug.

"I love you too." We pull away and my mom gives me a kiss on the cheek. I grab my bags, wave goodbye, and head into the airport.

I get my luggage checked and wait for my flight. I swear everyone in airports are always sick. Why? I don't know. There's an old man sitting across from me having a coughing fit, I debate asking if he's okay, but before I do, another lady does and he nods.  My stomach starts to turn a little bit because I'm nervous. Nervous about starting a whole new life, and nervous about the plane. I've been on a plane once before, well technically twice because I had to come back as well, and I enjoy when we're actually in the air, but I hate taking off, landing, and turbulence. It scares the crap out of me.

When I find my seat on the plane, I realize I have the dreaded middle seat. I'm between an old lady and a guy who smells like marijuana. Great. I settle in for an eight-hour flight, which is really long for me considering the only other flight I've been on was two hours and within Canada. I've never traveled out of Canada, especially on my own.

*Time skip to the end of flight*

I exit the plane and go wait for my luggage. There was only a little bit of turbulence throughout the flight so overall it wasn't too stressful. LAX is a lot bigger than the airport back home, and a lot busier. I take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves. While I'm waiting for my luggage I call my parents like I said I would and figure out how to order an uber because I'm going to need to get to my apartment somehow. I found a place to stay a little while ago on craigslist. I'm just hoping it's exactly as it's described, though it probably won't be, and my roommate isn't crazy, though they probably will be.

My uber pulls up to an apartment complex and I thank him. I take my luggage and go to find my room. When I knock on the door I'm immediately greeted by a smiling face. "Okay, they don't look insane." I think to myself. 

"Hi, I'm Y/N, are you Meghan?" I ask.

"Yes, I am! Welcome to your new home!" She replies, "Here let me help you with your bags."

"Oh thank you." I smile and step inside as she takes one of my bags from me. It actually doesn't look half bad. I think I can get used to this.

"You're probably quite tired from your flight, so I'll quickly show you the outline and then you can relax." Meghan gestures for me to follow her. She shows me the living room and kitchen which are one area that you step into through the door, and then she shows me a small hallway with two bedrooms and a bathroom. 

When she shows me my room I thank her and she goes into her own room across the hall. I shut the door and flop onto my bed, which I then quickly put sheets on. 

A/N: Sooo this is the first chapter! Feel free to let me know what you thought and if the chapters should be shorter or longer or if this is a good length! <3

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