Chapter 15: Girls Morning

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Y/N's POV:

I wake up and I instantly regret it. My head hearts, the lights are too bright, and Courtney is breathing too loud. Hold up, who's room are we in? How did we get to a stranger's room? Relief washes over me when I see Sam peek his head through the door.

"Oh thank goodness. This is your room." I sigh and Sam chuckles.

He walks over to Olivia and kisses her forehead, waking her up. She hits him and covers her eyes.

"What the- oh." Olivia groans and Courtney raises her head and then instantly puts it back down.

"I don't wanna be awake. I don't wanna be alive." Courtney mumbles.

"Well, you guys are a happy crew this morning." Sam laughs, "I uh, thought I'd attempt to be a good boyfriend and I made pancakes for my girlfriend and her two drunk friends. So, those are ready..."

"Thanks babe. We'll be out in a minute to eat them." Olivia says. Sam leaves the room and we all stare at each other for a minute. Olivia gets up and opens the drawer of her nightstand pulls out a bottle of Advil. 

"I don't know about you guys but I need some of this." Olivia says, shaking the bottle.

Courtney and I both hold out our hands so that Olivia can give us some Advil. I dry swallow it, which I've never done before but it works. I finally stand up and look in the mirror. I have eyeliner smudged all the way down to my cheek. I look at Courtney and the amazing eye makeup she did last night isn't looking so amazing.

"Do you have makeup wipes?" I ask Olivia.

She nods and points to a dresser drawer. I open it and pull out a package of makeup wipes. I take one for myself and hand one to Courtney. After we wipe off our makeup we go into the kitchen where Sam is standing, smiling. He hands us each a plate of pancakes, and we go to sit down at the table. As soon as I sit down I stand back up again and run to the bathroom, or more so walk carefully as quickly as I can. I pull my hair away from my face and puke into the toilet. After I think I'm done puking a wipe my mouth and go to sit back down at the table and eat the pancakes. They taste so good. Pancakes have never tasted so amazing, I can tell Courtney feels the same way because she's eating the pancakes with her eyes closed and smiles whenever she takes a bite.

After we finish eating we go back into the bedroom and change out of our dresses. Courtney's phone starts ringing and we all groan at the sound. Courtney answers her phone.

"Hello? Oh hi. Why today? That wasn't scheduled. What do you mean it'll be fun, I don't want to have fun. Fine. Two o'clock? Yeah, we'll be there. I hate you too. Bye." She hangs up and turns to us, "We're doing a squad vlog today. That was Shayne. But don't worry, he says it'll be fun." Courtney says sarcastically.

"Are they not hungover? I know they were with us last night." I say.

"I don't know... Do you guys remember anything that happened last night?" Olivia asks.

"I remember up to the point of the boys showing up." Courtney says, "And I remember dancing with Noah."

"I mean, if we don't remember much that means it was a good girls night." Olivia laughs.

"Very true. I hate the feeling of girls morning though." I say as I grab an elastic to put my hair up into a messy bun, "How are you guys not puking?"

"Man, I puked last night. I have vivid memories of getting up while you two were asleep and running to the bathroom." Courtney replies.

"Same." Olivia says.

I check my phone and I see I have a couple of texts from Meghan.


Hey, you didn't come home. Are you alright?

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