Chapter 25: Popping The Question - Part 2

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Y/N's POV:

Courtney and I are writing the script for an upcoming EBE and she has for reason trusted me to write the last scene by myself. I think I've got a good outline but I'm not so sure if the joke is obvious enough that people will actually understand it.

"Court, what do you think of this?" I push the laptop towards Courtney and she reads through what I've just written.

"I think it's good!" She replies after reading it.

"You think so? I'm still not sure..." I purse my lips.

"Well then let's get a second opinion..." As Courtney says this Shayne walks through the door, "Hey, Shayne! Come here."

Shayne smiles and comes over to sit beside me. I'm glad that Shayne is going to read this because he's really funny so he'll give a good insight into whether or not the joke is good. But, the issue is also the fact that he's really funny and he might think it's stupid and not funny which means I'm a terrible writer.

"What's up?" Shayne asks.

"Read this scene. Is the joke obvious or are people not going to get it?" I ask him. I push the laptop towards him and he starts reading through it. I'm watching him as he reads it to try to judge his face and see what he thinks but he's not giving much of a reaction. He lets out a small laugh but I don't know if that was a pity laugh or if he actually liked it.

"Well?" I ask.

"I think it's great." Shayne smiles and I'm so relieved.

"Really? 'Cause it's the first scene I've written and I wasn't sure if-" I start to ramble but Shayne cuts me off and smiles at me so I know he's being genuine.

"It's great. You did a really good job." Shayne says. I heave a sigh a relief and smile at him before turning back to the laptop to add some finishing touches.

As I'm reading through the script one last time Courtney and Shayne go out into the hallway to talk.

"What's that about?" I ask the others.

"I have no clue. They always seem suspicious to me." Keith shrugs.

"Courtney's probably just getting him to analyze a dream she had. Ya know, because he does psychology or whatever." Olivia laughs and so does Noah.

"I didn't know Courtney slept." Noah says.

I laugh lightly and turn my attention back to my laptop. I log into Facebook and scroll through my feed. There's a lot of fights in the comment sections of posts, which reminds me why I don't go onto Facebook often.

Shayne and Courtney come back into the room and Shayne sits down on a beanbag chair and goes on his phone. I see him glance up at me and I quickly turn my attention Courtney who has sat back down beside me and faces me.

"So, girl talk. What's up with you and Shayne? Be honest." Courtney whispers.

"Uh, specify what you want to hear." I whisper back.

"Like, romantically. That night at Disney when we left you? How did you feel about that?" Courtney asks.

"It was nice. Comfortable. He is so great and so much fun to be around. I had a really good time." I smile, remembering how he held my hand on Space Mountain, and gave me his jacket, and how we snuggled up to each other while we waited for the Uber.

"Soooo, does this mean you like him?" Courtney whispers.

I pause before answering, I know the answer immediately but I don't know if I should say, "Yeah. I guess I do." I smile.

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