Chapter 24: Popping The Question - Part 1

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Shayne's POV:

I walk into the office and Damien immediately starts throwing questions at me. I knew I shouldn't have told him all about Disneyland.

"Are you ever going to ask her out? 'Cause, I mean, you have to. She's perfect for you. When did you first start liking her anyway? Was it that day I woke up and she was in bed with you? Did you guys like, do stuff that night?" Damien asks, all very quickly.

"Slow down. It's too early for this. Am I going to ask her out? I don't know. Am I even allowed?" I say, sipping my coffee.

"I think you're allowed. Talk to Ian though." Damien replies.

"Right. I first started liking her on the first day she came here. And usually, I'm not like that, there was just something about her." I smile slightly, remembering how happy she was when she found out this was her permanent position. Spinning her around in my arms. I'm snapped out of it by Damien hitting my shoulder.

"Awww! C'mon man, you have to ask her out." Damien says, "Also 'Y/N Topp' sounds amazing. Her name just fits with your last name."

"Hold up, you just went from 'ask her out' to 'marry her' real quick." I laugh.

"She's wife material. That's all I'm gonna say about that." Damien walks away and I nod slowly. He's right, she is wife material, you can't say that about some girls. And he's also right about the fact that she's perfect. Actually he said Y/N's perfect for me, I just think she's perfect.

I go into the Smosh Squad room and the rest of the squad is already there. Y/N is sitting next to Courtney helping her write a scene in an upcoming EBE. Keith and Noah are on their phones and Olivia is calling Sam.

"Hey, Shayne! Come here." Courtney calls to me. I go over to her desk where she and Y/N are sitting and sit down next to Y/N.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Read this scene. Is the joke obvious or are people not going to get it?" Y/N says, pushing the laptop towards me. I read through the scene and it's actually pretty good. I do that laugh thing where you don't actually laugh but air comes out your nose. Y/N is looking me with hopeful eyes trying to gage my reaction.

"Well?" Y/N asks.

"I think it's great." I smile.

Y/N's face lights up, "Really? 'Cause it's the first scene I've written and I wasn't sure if-"

I cut her off, "It's great. You did a really good job."

She smiles and turns back to the laptop. Courtney leans back in her seat so she can make eye contact with me. She raises her eyebrows and smirks. I just smile and walk away. But as I'm about to fall back into a beanbag chair Courtney calls my name.

"Shayne? Can I talk to you for a second?" I nod and follow her into the hallway.

"What?" I ask in a bored tone.

"Okay, seriously, you basically have heart eyes when you look at her." Courtney crosses her arms.

"I do not have heart eyes when I look at Y/N." I reply.

"Who said anything about Y/N?" Courtney smirks, knowing she just won this conversation.

"Oh shut it." I roll my eyes.

"Shayne, I know you. And I know you like Y/N and my advice is put yourself out there! Stop holding back so much, it's okay to get yourself into a relationship you know." Courtney says in her sympathetic tone.

"I can't just ask her out. We work together. What if she says no? What the hell am I supposed to do then?" I point out.

"Do you really think she'd say no though? You two have been flirting constantly! She has kissed you more than once, you've had your arms wrapped around her more than once, you've cuddled more than once! These aren't just random scenarios because if they were they wouldn't have happened more than once. You guys have slept together for Pete's sake! That came out wrong, you've slept in the same bed with each other, Damien told me. Oh wait, have you guys..." Courtney raises her eyebrows so I know what she's talking about.

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