Chapter 23: She's A Beauty

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Shayne's POV:

I watch Y/N go out of view as my Uber drives away. It's strange to be constantly flirting someone and at the same time have nothing progressing. We've woken up together, kissed on multiple occasions, danced, practically had a date at Disneyland, and nothing. What the heck am I doing?

The Uber drops me off at my apartment complex and I go in, a million thoughts in my head. Y/N's first impression of me was my scream, that almost haunts me. When I first saw her that day I had no clue that she'd be taking over my mind like this. I haven't felt like this since my last girlfriend, and I mean, that didn't end too well, but this feels different. Like another level of a crush. Wait, did I just admit to myself that I have a crush? Oh hell no. I did. Well, I guess it's time to go die. I am never going to tell Courtney that this is a crush. She would freak out and play matchmaker even more than she already is.

Instead of dying, I opt for just going to bed, it seems easier. I crawl into bed and turn off my light, but I can't seem to turn off my mind.

*Time skip, Monday*

I walk into the office carrying two trays of Starbucks drinks for the Smosh Squad, Ian, and Damien. Damien runs up to me and takes his iced coffee.

"Hey man! Thanks for Starbucks, I'll Venmo you the money." Damien says.

"Thanks, it's no problem." I reply.

"Are you alright?" Damien asks.

I pause before answering because of course I'm alright. Why would he think I'm not alright? "Yeah, I'm all good. Why?"

"You just have a look about you. Is something on your mind?" Damien says, sipping his coffee.

"Nope. Just... Focusing on not dropping these drinks." I smile.

"Okay... I'll take Ian his, I have to stop by his office anyway." Damien takes one of the iced coffees and walks away towards Ian's office.

I approach the squad room door and push it open with my foot.

"YES. Freaking finally. I need my coffee." Courtney says, taking her coffee out of the tray.

I set the trays down on the table and everyone grabs their drinks. I instantly get Venmo notifications from everyone. I notice that one is for twenty dollars though. Y/N. She attached a message that says "For coffee and Uber." I look at her and I catch her eye. She smiles and shrugs.

I go into Venmo and send her nineteen dollars. I watch her as she gets the notification and furrows her eyebrows. She looks up at me and narrows her eyes, this time I smile.

"I'm sending you more money." Y/N says plainly.

"You know I can block you, right?" I say.

"You wouldn't do that." She smirks.

"Try me." I chuckle.

Everyone else is looking at us, not knowing the context of the conversation. I get a notification that Y/N has sent me twenty-one more dollars, why is she upping the amount? I send her twenty-two dollars back and then quickly block her before she can send me more.

"Hey! You blocked me and sent me more money! No fair." Y/N says, throwing a ball of paper at me.

"I sent the amount that would make us break even." I reply, dodging the paper.

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