Chapter 4: First Day - Part 2

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Shayne's POV:

I walk into the office and head to the Smosh Squads room, as usual. I walk in and scream, you know, just to make my presence known and start off on a good note. Mid-scream I notice a girl who definitely isn't Courtney or Olivia. Crap. I totally forgot we were getting the new chick today and now I've made a fool of myself. I stop screaming and walk out of the room. I realize I can't just walk away because she might think I'm a douchebag. I walk in, my hands to my mouth.

"Well," I laugh slightly, trying to be cool, "This is an interesting first impression of me I'm sure. You must be Y/N, I'm Shayne, and I apologize for my entrance."

She stands up and holds her hand out to me, I hesitate for a split second before realizing I'm supposed to her shake her hand. Her hand is so small, and soft. Right now I'm actually getting a good look at her unlike when I first walked in, and she's really cute. No Shayne, co-worker, she's not cute. Yes, she is. Whatever. I see her lips moving but at the moment I'm not actually hearing anything, I'm still just staring at her, into her beautiful Y/E/C* eyes, and I realize we're still shaking each other's hands. Is it me doing that or her?

Olivia and Keith walk in and she slowly lets go of my hand, her fingers grazing against mine as we separate. Keith flops down a beanbag chair paying no attention to Y/N. We all stare at him before he realizes that Y/N exists.

He quickly stands up and starts talking, I zone out, convincing myself to get Y/N out of my head. Co-workers are co-workers and friends, and nothing more. The only exception to that rule is Keith and Noah but they deny that an exception is needed.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Y/N's voice, "Listen..." She says, "I've never been the new person before. I lived in one house all my life, always attended the same school, whatever. And I know it's kinda weird to have to include someone new in your group when you guys already have such a great bond on your own. And trust me, you guys all seem so nice but you're also really frickin intimidating. I have two trial weeks, and I'm really hoping they go well because it would be amazing to work with you people. I'm going to try my best to be chill but trust me, I'm freaking out. So you know..." Her voice quiets until there's nothing left to be heard. She was talking rather quickly so you could tell she was nervous. She's playing with her thumbs and not looking up at any of us.

I stand up and on impulse, I put my arm around her small shoulders. I feel quite dominant in doing so which definitely isn't the goal but I like having her close to me for some reason.

"We were all new at one point. You seem awesome, and you're right, it is kinda weird to have to include someone new into our little group. But also make note that we approved adding someone new to the Smosh Squad before the position was offered. We're glad to have you here." I say, squeezing her shoulder as gently as possible as not to make her uncomfortable. I'm really trying my hardest just to be myself and not go into 'Date Shayne' mode, because this definitely isn't a date, and she's just a co-worker so I don't know why that's my impulse. I wonder if the rest of the squad is noticing this...

Courtney slings her arm around Y/N's shoulders too. Is she trying to hit on her too? Wait no, I'm not hitting on her, that's crazy.

I'm assuming Noah pulls Y/N down onto the beanbags because the three of us fall and Y/N turns to Noah and says "That's the second time you've done that today!" and starts laughing. This causes me to laugh too and soon everyone is laughing. I think she's going to make an excellent member of the Smosh Squad. I notice that my arm is still around her and Courtney's isn't. Is this weird? Y/N doesn't seem uncomfortable, she's still just smiling as the others talk and ask her questions. So, I decide to leave my arm around her.

Courtney catches my eye and raises her eyebrows at me while smirking. I give her a "what?" look and she just smiles and shakes her head, looking away.

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