Chapter 2: Opportunities

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Y/N's POV:

I wake up to the smell of something being cooked. I walk out of my room to find Meghan flipping some pancakes. 

"Good morning, Y/N! I want you to feel really at home here so I decided to make you breakfast. In hindsight, I probably should've asked what you like or what you're allergic to but-"

I cut Meghan off and smile, "Thank you. I'm not allergic to anything food-related, and I love pancakes, so it's all good."

She smiles and gestures to a plate on the counter. I take the plate and she puts a few pancakes on it. I sit down in one of two seats at the small round table in between the kitchen and living room areas. 

After I finish eating I get dressed and I decide to go for a walk to help familiarize myself with the area. The streets are very busy even though it's quite early, I guess this is city life. As I'm walking one guy whistles at me and I have no idea how to react, this has never happened before. I decide to just keep walking and not make eye contact with anyone.

I eventually sit down on a bench and go on my phone. I scroll through twitter and notice that Smosh has announced they have a new parent company, Mythical Entertainment. I smile to myself, I'm glad they found a parent company because I really didn't want them to stop making content. I've been a fan since I was a teenager. Obviously I'm not as into them now, because, you know, people grow, but I still enjoy watching their videos every once and a while. I continue to read this announcement and I notice that they're looking to hire people. I immediately perk up and search for more details.

*Time skip one week later*

So, I have an audition for Smosh today.  I am so overwhelmed and nervous and excited all at the same time. This past week has been a blur filled with video chatting with my parents, making lots of calls about various auditions, etc. I also started working at a Starbucks while I try to find a job. I swear Starbucks hires anyone because I walked into one and asked if they're hiring, they said sure, and then I started work two days later. Obviously it's slightly more complicated than that, but that's the main idea. I shower, brush my teeth, put on some light makeup, and get dressed. I decide on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a casual but cute t-shirt. I don't want to look super professional for my interview but I also don't want to look like a try-hard.

Meghan happily drops me off at the Mythical Entertainment building and wishes me luck. I'm so nervous I can feel myself shaking, but I don't actually look like I'm shaking. When I walk in, a lady at the front desk directs me to where I need to go. I sit in a waiting room with a couple of other people. When it's time for my audition I realize I don't even know what I'm auditioning for, I guess just for a general actor/personality? When I see Ian and he leads me into a room, I fangirl slightly but keep myself together. I sit down in front of a row of people including Ian, Matt Raub, Ryan Todd, Monica, and a few others.

Ian smiles, "So, tell us a bit about yourself."

"Well, My name is Y/N Y/L/N, I moved here from Canada last week, and I would say I love acting but I feel like that's obvious since I'm here auditioning," I say, trying to sound relaxed.

A couple of them laugh a little and then the interview continues. They have me read through a couple of lines in scripts, do some improv and we talk for a little bit so they can get to know my personality. 

"Well, thank you very much Y/N," Ian says, signaling that the audition is over, "you'll be hearing from us soon for potential callbacks."

"Awesome, thank you so much. It was nice meeting all of you!" I smile and walk out of the office. As soon as I leave the building I exhale deeply as if I was holding my breath for the whole audition. I think that went well, you got this Y/N, positive thoughts. 

*Time skip a few days later*

I exit the Mythical Entertainment building once again. That was strange but good. I got a callback so that was exciting, after it was over Ian asked me to wait around, after a little bit he called me back into the same room for another interview. I think it went really well, I wasn't expecting or prepared for the second interview on the same day but I'm glad it happened. Now I'm on my way to Starbucks because my shift starts soon.

I lay on my bed and yawn, I look at my phone to see the time. "It's only 8:30?" I think to myself, today has been a long day. Suddenly my phone dings really loud, I guess I have my ringer all the way up. I immediately sit straight up when I see I have an email from Ian.

My eyes scan the email as I whisper read it to myself, "We are pleased to inform you, oh my gosh, that we would love to work with you, holy crap, office 9am, trial weeks, Smosh Squad-" I can't believe it, I actually got a job, working for Smosh, in the Smosh Squad, well, potentially, I have to do two trial weeks to see how I fit before I actually start doing videos and stuff, but still. This is amazing. I flop back down on my bed and smile to myself, "I'm actually making this work", I whisper.

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