Chapter 5: Official

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Y/N's POV:

Today is the last day of my two trial weeks. The Smosh Squad (not including me), Ian, the producers, writers, directors, and Smosh Games, are having a meeting today. They'll be discussing me, the other new people, and just normal meeting stuff I guess. Ian told me not to let the idea of reviewing me get to my head because most people make it through the trial weeks and they just have to do them as routine. Him saying this helped my nerves a little bit but I'm still a bit on edge because I really enjoy working for Smosh.

I walk into the office and it's pretty much empty. I immediately hear Ian's voice over the intercom: "If you are supposed to be in the meeting and are not already, please make your way to the conference room, we're beginning now. Thanks!"

Well, I guess I have a bit of time before I see anyone. The only people left around are the other new people, I recognize a few of them but haven't really talked to them much because we work in different areas of Smosh.

I sit down at my desk and open my laptop. I decide to review a couple of the tester videos we shot in these past two weeks to try to notice anything I should work on while on camera. In one of the sketches I notice I bite my lip a lot when I don't have lines, I should probably break that habit.

About an hour later I hear footsteps coming up behind me. I stand up and turn around only for Shayne to pick me up and spin me around.

"Well good morning to you too!" I laugh.

"Guess who's apart of the Smosh Squad." He smiles, his arms still around my waist, lifting me up so I'm looking down at him.

"Well, there's you, Courtney, Olivia-" 

He cuts me off, "Well duh! But you too!"

"Really?!" I smile ear to ear. He puts me down and I hug him, "Wow! Oh my gosh! Heck yeah. I'm the best around!" I start to sing and dance around a little.

He laughs, "Yeah, yeah, you're wanted now in the conference room."

I follow him to where everyone else is sitting around a large table.

"There she is!" Ian says, "Welcome to the Smosh Fam, Y/N!"

I smile brightly and Shayne leads me to seat in between where he sits down and Courtney.

"Alrighty. Now that we have some amazing new additions to our team, let's discuss some upcoming events. So, it's practically summer. Can anyone tell me what happens in summer?" Ian asks.

Matt Raub stands up, "Smosh Summer freaking Games!"

"That is correct! And with our newest actress/personality, Y/N, the teams are even!" Ian starts clapping and everyone else joins in. Courtney shakes me a little bit and I laugh and do a little bow. I can't believe I'm going to be competing in Smosh Summer Games! This is so exciting!

"Ian? What is the theme of said Smosh Summer Games?" Sarah says in a bad acting voice.

"Thank you for that important inquiry, Sarah. The theme of this year's Smosh Summer Games is, apocalypse!" Ian practically screams.

We all cheer. "We will be heading out to the middle of nowhere in two weeks! So be ready. In the meantime, I know everyone will help prepare and continue to work on Smosh content as per usual. Teams will be picked beforehand to save some time. So, if you have any special requests, you can tell them to me and we'll just see what happens, I can't promise anything. Now, get out of here!" Ian starts waving his hands around signaling us to leave.

As we leave the conference room the whole Smosh Squad surrounds me in a group hug.

"Welcome to the squad, sista'," Keith says.

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