Chapter 17: Nerf War

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Y/N's POV:

The office isn't normally as quiet as it is this morning. Where is everyone? I look around for any sign of the Smosh Squad. I guess I'm not looking where I'm going because I run into someone causing me to stumble back. The person steadies me by grabbing my shoulders and then let's go when I'm standing up straight again. I look to see who it is and it's Rhett.

"Oh hey, sorry about running into you, I guess I wasn't paying attention." I apologize.

"No problem, you haven't seen Link have you?" Rhett asks.

I literally have to look up at him, he's like a whole foot taller than me, "No sorry, I was actually going to ask you if you've seen the Smosh Squad." I laugh.

"Well that's odd, I wonder-" Rhett stops talking when a bunch of people walk through the doors, including the Smosh Squad, Link, Ian, Stevie, and Chase.

"Woah!" Rhett shouts and they all stop and look at us, "What the hell are you guys doing?"

"We were uh..." Ian starts to say but he doesn't finish his sentence.

"We were racing turtles." Stevie says.

"You guys didn't invite me?" I say, kinda hurt. Rhett looks down at me and I smile awkwardly.

"You were racing turtles? Where did you find turtles?" Rhett asks.

"In the ditch beside the parking lot! You should really check-" Link gets interrupted by Rhett.

"Okay, why were you arguing?" Rhett asks.

"It was Smosh VS Mythical, and Mythical accused us of cheating. Which isn't true because how the heck do you cheat with turtles?!" Keith says.

"Oh please, I saw you push your turtle." Chase says crossing his arms.

"Stevie, Chase, Link, come with me. We're shooting a GMM in like, ten minutes." Rhett says, "And Smosh people, listen to whatever Y/N tells you to do, because she wasn't racing turtles." Rhett pats me on my head before walking away. I smile at them and they just stare at me.

"I'm in charge!" I smile, "Noah, get me a cup of coffee!"

Noah starts to walk away but Ian grabs him by his shirt and pulls him back.

"You're not in charge. I'm your boss." Ian says, "Noah, go get me a cup of coffee."

Noah shrugs and walks away, Ian chuckles, "Cool, the rest of you, just... I don't know, do your jobs?" We all nod and the Smosh Squad heads into our room with the beanbag chairs. I flop down onto one of the beanbags and Shayne falls next to me.

"So who won?" I ask.

Shayne looks at me, "What?"

"Who won the turtle race?" I ask again.

"Oh, we did, fair and square." He chuckles.

We all just go on our phones for a little bit, Noah joins us after he gives Ian his coffee and Courtney is working on a script. I rest my head on Shayne's shoulder as I scroll through my Instagram.

"Whatcha doing?" Shayne asks, resting his head on top of mine.

"I'm looking at all the posts I'm tagged in, mostly fan edits." I reply. I click on one and it's an edit of me and Shayne from an account called 'Y/S/N_edits'. I click out of it because I thought it would be weird to watch it with Shayne but he clicks on it again. We watch it together and it's actually pretty good. It has clips of us from summer games and a lot of that one kiss scene we did.

"So I guess we're a ship." Shayne laughs.

"Yeah, I guess so." I smile. I suddenly feel something hit my leg and I see Noah pointing a Nerf gun at me.

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