Chapter 18: Shirt Return

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Y/N's POV:

I walk into my apartment and notice I'm still wearing Shayne's shirt. I decide to text him to see if he wants me to drop it off at his place, but partly because I want to see him.


Hey, just realized I'm still wearing your shirt, do you want me to swing by your place to give it back?


How do you plan on getting to my apartment?


I haven't exactly figured that part out yet lol


I figured. How about I come to your place?


I mean, that's fine but I don't want you to go out of your way. I can just bring it into work tomorrow if you'd rather.


Too late, I'm on my way :)


I squeal slightly and then stop myself. He's just coming over to pick up his shirt, that's all. I start to tidy up the apartment a little bit. Meghan won't be home for almost another three hours because she has a meeting with a client. I fluff the pillows on the couch for some reason, I've never done that before. I guess I'm just trying to keep myself busy until Shayne gets here. I wonder if he'll just grab his shirt and go if he'll hang out for a bit. I check out how I look in the mirror. I adjust my crop top so my bra straps aren't showing and mess with my hair a little bit until I like how it looks.

About ten minutes later I hear my buzzer go off.

"Hello?" I say, pressing the speaker button.

"Hey, it's me." I hear Shayne's voice say.

"Come on up!" I reply and press the button to let him in. A moment later he knocks on my apartment door and I open it.

"Hey, how are you?" He smiles, leaning in the doorway.

"I'm doing alright, how are you?" I ask.

"Never better." He replies, "Nice place you got here, better than most other apartments in this building."

"Thanks, how do you know that?" I ask.

"I used to live in one down the hall from here." Shayne says.

I gesture for him to come in and he does, "Do you wanna stay for a bit? My roommate won't be home for like, three hours." I ask, hoping he'll agree.

"Sure. I don't have any plans." He nods.

"Great do you want to watch TV or something?" I smile.

"Yeah, sounds good." We sit down on my couch, well technically Meghan's couch, and I turn on the TV. Friends comes on and Shayne and I clap along to that one part in the theme song.

"How about we make some popcorn?" I suggest. Shayne nods and follows me over to the kitchen area. I grab a package of microwave popcorn and put it in the microwave. Shayne stands there awkwardly just looking around the apartment.

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