Chapter 11: Bellyflops

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Y/N's POV:

I wake up and slowly open my eyes. I can feel Shayne's chest rise and fall with every breath he takes. Wait. Why am I sleeping on Shayne? Why am I on his bed cuddling with him while we sleep? Oh right. We watched a movie last night, did I forget to go back to my room? Well clearly. I lift my head up ever so slightly to see Damien sleeping in his bed which is next to Shayne's. What did he think when he saw Shayne and I sleeping together? What did Courtney think when I never came back to our room last night?

I yawn and realize I really don't care what they think right now, because I am extremely comfy resting on Shayne. I feel Shayne shift a little, he opens his eyes and smiles at me.

"Good morning, Y/N." He pauses, "Y/N?".

"Mhmm." I say sleepily, really because I have no clue what to say.

"Why- did we? Oh." Shayne says quietly. Then he starts laughing a little and pulls me into him more.

"Shh, you don't want to wake up Damien." I whisper.

"Nothing wakes Damien. Trust me." Shayne says groggily. I love the sound of his morning voice. I feel his hand go underneath my shirt a little so his hand is resting on the small of my back.

"I should probably go back to my room." I sigh.

"You don't have to." Shayne says.

"What are people going to think when they see me doing a walk of shame from your room?" I giggle.

"It's not a walk of shame because we didn't do anything. You are so innocent and it's so cute." Shayne laughs, "Plus, you're only across the hall. No one will probably see you anyway."

"True. I'll stay for another minute and then I'm leaving." I smile and rest one of my hands on his chest. We lay there for a moment and then we both hear Damien shift in his bed. I take that as a good signal that I should leave.

I try to sit up but Shayne won't let me out of his arms.

"Shaynnnne. I need to go." I sigh.

"Fine." He releases me from his arms and I quickly grab my phone off of the bedside table. I open and close the door as quietly as possible. As soon as I shut the door I hear a door open behind me. Noah walks out of his room and looks at me for a second then at Shayne's door, and then back to me.

"Were you just-" Noah begins to say but I cut him off, "No."

He nods ever so slightly and looks me up and down, "Why are you still in your clothes from yesterday?" He asks.

I look down, shoot ."I just fell asleep in them, I was really tired yesterday." I reply.

"Uh-huh. And why are you in the hall?" Noah squints his eyes at me and smirks.

"I, uh- sometimes sleepwalk. I woke up right here." I laugh cautiously.

"Right..." Noah says and stares at me for another second before turning away and walking down the hall. I exhale and I quietly enter my room. Luckily Courtney is still asleep. Maybe she didn't notice that I didn't come back last night. And if she did, why didn't she text me to check on me? Rude. I change out of my clothes from yesterday and start dutch braiding my hair. I look in the mirror and I see Courtney sit up in her bed.

"Hey, where were you last night?" Courtney asks sleepily.

"Nowhere, I came into the room and you were already asleep." I smile.

She looks at for me for a moment and then nods, "Have you prepared a pun for the belly flop competition?"

"No, I can't think of any. I'm hoping one will just pop into my head before the competition. You?" I ask.

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