💚Chapter six: Tiffany Hawkland💚

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I snatched a glance at the guy on the isle across from mine, then quickly looked back down at the book I was "browsing"

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I snatched a glance at the guy on the isle across from mine, then quickly looked back down at the book I was "browsing". Saint.Ursula's ended at 3:00p.m. and we were allowed to go out for at least three and hours and thirty minutes so until 7:00, then dinner was at 8:00p.m. and we were ordered back to bed at 9:00p.m. the good thing though was that on Fridays and Saturdays we got to only sleep until 2:00p.m.

I had been coming to Château du belle les livre a.k.a. the castle of beauty's books. It was kind of a reference to the fact that Princess Belle was a huge book luhver, so the store was named the castle of beauty's books in honor of her. It also added to the fact the owner of the shop was a french twenty-seven year old woman, who loved to gossip. Well she loved to gossip with me.

I'd found the vast bookshop while I was browsing the internet and looking for the best place to find fantasy books and voila! They had so many good books I had practically gone through half the aisle. There was the Percy Jackson book series, there was Teardrop and Waterfall, there was Devilish, there was Dracula, there was Oh.My.gods, then there was Monster High and there was Harry Potter of course.

On my third week of visiting the shop I'd noticed Josh Pinecart. I've always liked him. We were in debate club together and he's in my French class too. This is his second week of coming here and it's been my seventh. I've watched closely behind some fantasy book or whatever for two weeks and still can't manage to talk to him. Just as I was getting to the part in Alice in Wonderland where the she was having a tea party with the Mad hatter, the Mad hare and the Doormouse, the sound of feet approached me and I immediately tensed. A hand reached out and pushed the book in my hands downwards and my gaze fell on Josh. I gasped at the sight of his eyes on mine and I'm sure I must've blushed like a tomato.

"Um, hi, your name's Tiffany right?" He asked.
"Um, yeah" my voice came out light and soft, not my usual confident one.
"Um, I've seen you here alot and wanted to ask if there were any good fantasy books around" he looked a little nervous as he asked.
" Um, Why? Don't you like thrillers?" I asked, then cursed myself silently for giving myself away.
"Yeah, um...how'd you know?" He asked more confused than suspicious.
I racked my brain for a response and found one in a matter seconds.

"Just a hunch, I also happened to notice you in the thriller aisle a week ago"
He smirked right then then said.
"Funny, since I happened to notice you by the fantasy and drama aisles"
It took all my restraint not to squeal. Did this mean that he's been watching me just like I've been watching him.
"You've prahbly read Harry Potter already, but maybe you could try starting Percy Jackson"
He looked at me for a few seconds, then said.
"What's it about?"
"Well, if you know the basics of Greek mythology like the Greek gods it will be easy to understand. Apparently all of them swore on the River Styx that they wouldn't have children with mortals anymore. Poseidon god of the sea, keeper of the Trident, broke that vow and he had a son called Percy with a woman called Sally. It's basically about Percy's adventures I guess, I haven't really delved into it with school and all. So I asked my sister, Raven, to read it for me and since she said it's awesome and I trust her judgement I think it's great too" I spilled out. It felt like I had been talking for ages. I legit babbled. I hate babbling. It's one thing I can't control when I'm nervous.

Josh only smiled and said he'd try it out and that it was great chatting with me.
Phew! I thought I would fall through the floor if he didn't leave. When he did leave though one thing was for sure I could not tell the ghouls about him.

Will Tiffany be able to keep this major crush a secret or are her friends already hot on her trail?

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