💜Chapter eleven: Juliette Dovemark💜

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After Tiffany stormed out of the dorm, California and I were left speechless, but as always she was the first one to recover

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After Tiffany stormed out of the dorm, California and I were left speechless, but as always she was the first one to recover.

"We need to find out what she's hiding from us"

Oh no, I did nawt want to get in between a fight with her and Tiffany. Yes they were my best friends and I loved them but, they could be really nasty sometimes.

"No way, you're finding out on your own, incase you forgot I have a hawtie to get back" hoping that Ryan was a good enough excuse to get out of this.

She rolled her eyes at me, glared and I almost thought that she was gonna ditch me just like Tiffany had done, but she gave me a warm smile instead and a hug.

"I totally understand, I'm being so selfish, go ahead and call him, I'll catch up with you in a bit"

I could tell something more was going on but it looked like she wasn't taking no for an answer, so I hugged her back and stepped behind.

"Well, umm, thanks for understanding Cali" I told her while shuffling my feet, something I only did when I was nervous.

She gave me that warm smile again and practically shoved me towards my dorm room.

Once I was in I removed the gold Dolce and Gabbana sandals I was wearing. My ankle was much better but it was still sore sometimes so I couldn't wear wedges or heels anymore and sometimes nawt even flats.


Once I put some cream on my ankle to make the throbbing go away, I picked up my phone. A million thoughts were going through my head.

What if he doesn't like me anymore? What if he doesn't forgive me? What if he hates me?

The mere thought of someone hating me makes me shiver. Sure I've had an enemy or two but they had all realized it was better to be my friend, well unlike Violet, but she's the one who started a feud by trying to overthrow us.

Ok I need to calm down. If he doesn't forgive me so what? It's not like I'm desperate for a boyfriend right? Plus there are plenty of girls my age that don't have one. It shouldn't even be a factor. But it doesn't reflect well on being a ghoul and not having one.

I mean sure California and Tiffany don't have boyfriends but they probably will. This could be my chance to be on top. Technically I'm already on top but people see California as our leader not your equal maybe if I get a boyfriend people will finally see that I'm nawt her perfect little lap dog. With a deep sigh I dialed Ryan's number.




"Um hello?" Came Ryan's gorgeous voice. I took a second to breath before I finally spoke.

"Uh hi, this is Juliette is this a bad time?"

"No, I, um, I was just heading to practice". Damn it is a bad time, he's on his way to play soccer so I can't meet up with him to talk.

"Oh, well I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I was so rude earlier, I've just really been stressed out lately coz I have a ton of things to do and I've missed alot of track racing and swimming practice, plus my friend Tiffany isn't speaking to me anymore and-

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down Dove". I smiled when he called me that. No one but my mum and dad and my little sister call me that anymore. I've been called Julie or Juls but no one even remembers my old nickname anymore.

"Sorry again, I know those aren't excuses for the things I said, but I'd really like it if you could forgive me one day"

"Look, Dove you don't need to apologise, you said it yourself that you were stressed and that's probably why you overreacted a bit". I smiled again happy that he had forgiven me.

"Oh, well I think a bit is an understatement, I went full on mean girl on you" I joked trying to make him laugh.

"I bet that's why all the other girls are so scared of you" he said while chuckling.

"Hey, now, I'm only mean when I have to be, like when people hit me with a soccer ball and sprain my ankle" I winced thinking of how much pain I was in.

"Yeah, sorry about that, listen I have to go now but what do you say about seeing a concert tomorrow night?"

Wait was he asking me out?

"Hmm....depends on what kind of music they got?" I asked hoping that it was heavy metal or at least rock music.

"Uh, well it's sorta heavy metal, I know most girls like pop but-

"Ohmigosh! Are you kidding? I love heavy metal!" I practically screamed in the phone.

"Yeah me too, well I guess it's a date then?"

"Totally, see you then?"

"See you"

As soon as he hung up I collapsed on the bed. I can't believe it. Nawt only did he forgive me, but he asked me out on a date.

My life was finally back on its fabulous track.

Will Juliette's date end up being an ah-mazing success or an awful tragedy?

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