💚Chapter ten: Tiffany Hawkland💚

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I can barely control myself my excitement

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I can barely control myself my excitement. Only one more subject till my date with Josh. I just can't buhlieve he asked me out. I hope nobody heard our conversation. If word got out to the other ghouls my friends would never stop meddling.

Cali would prahbly make him hate me. She tried to hide it but I saw how jealous she was when she found out about Juliette's crush, she'd lose her mind if she found out I had one before her too.

I was so nervousited(nervous and excited) I didn't even hear a word the teacher said. I was the first one to get out of my seat when the bell rang. I needed to rush to my dorm room and change so I could hurry in time to meet Josh.

When I reached my closet I decided that I needed the perfect outfit for this perfect date, because it has to be PERFECT!

I found a blue Armani crop and some Valentino denim shorts. I got put on some Hermes sandals. I sprayed myself with some Yves Saint Laurent perfume. I couldn't find my Maybelline New York lipstick so I settled for my L'oreal Paris lip gloss.

As I made my way outside I was met with Juliette and California.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" They both demanded.

I was so scared that they'd found out about Josh, but I decided to play it cool incase they hadn't.


California looked at me like I was some sticky, stubborn piece of hair out of place that she needed to fix, which did nawt sit well with me.

"Out where, what are you thinking going out in public without us, we're a team remember?"

"I'm not your dog, I don't sit and wait for you then follow you around"

"You may not be a dog but your definitely not acting like a ghoul right now"

I was so fed up with California telling me what to do, I knew Juliette was too, but she always kept quiet and let us fight, weakling much, if they kept this up then I'd be late for my date and I was nawt about to mess that up.

"Listen I have somewhere to be, so we can talk about this later"

I stepped forward but California just walked in front of me and blocked my way.

"You're not going anywhere until you tell us what's going on"

"Who's gonna stop me you?"

"Yes, if you leave you're out of the ghoul squad"

I stared at her in disbelief and in shock, she wouldn't actually kick me out and if she did so what? I needed a break from our little trio anyway.

"Fine, whatever kick me out, if you'll excuse me I have to go now"

California was too shocked to block my path this time so I took advantage and ran out as fast as I could.

I arrived at the cafe at the same time as Josh. We smiled at each other and he made a bow.
"After you m'lady" I giggled and decided to play along.

"Thank you kind sir, your chivalry will not go unnoticed" he smiled that sweet smile of his again.

"I should hope not"

We found a private spot near the back just for the two of us. He started talking about how the book was and all I could think about was how mesmerising and beautiful his eyes were, then a waitress showed up to take our orders.

He ordered a chicken burger and some fries, while I ordered vegetable and potato salads. He looked at me weirdly while I ate my salads and it was hard to ignore his stare.

"Okay, what's wrong? Do I have something on my face?"

"No, I just didn't know you were one of those girls" he was really starting to confuse me now.

"One of what girls?" I asked. He looked at bit uncomfortable, before he answered.

"Well, the kind that only care about they're looks and being on top"

Okay, that was super rude. I mean sure I cared about what I looked like but it wasn't the only thing I cared about and the only reason I want to stay on top is because.........
Well, actually I don't know why, but anyways I was offended by what Josh had said even if a little bit of it was true. I put my fork down and began to speak.

"Okay first of all, I'm a vegetarian I don't eat salads so I can look good although that is a benefit, second I am not one of those so don't ever compare me to someone else and yes I spend a little extra time in front of the mirror so I look nice, sorry if my version of looking nice is too over the top for you, third if I cared so much about being on top I wouldn't even be on this date, I would be out with my friends trying to plan parties and up our social status, but no I'm here with you because I thought I'd have a good time, you wanna know what time I'm having right now?" I asked the pathetic excuse of a person in front of me.

Okay pathetic was a bit much but I had a temper and I was angry.

He gulped before moved his eyes around obviously nervous about what I'd do.

"No" he answered in a low voice.

"Well, too bad cause I'm having an awful time because somebody decided to assume I'm somebody I'm not! Now I'm going to finish my salads because they are delicious and not worth wasting and then I'm going to leave because if I stay I will say something we'll both regret, understood?"

He nodded his head then gulped nervously.

I finished my salads and headed out, but before I left I saw someone's shadow near the door and it felt like they were watching me, then it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.

Was someone actually following Tiffany, or was it just her imagination gone wild after the café chaos back there? Do you think she'll give Josh another chance or will her temper get the best of her?

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