Chapter 23

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⚠Warning⚠ This chapter contains fluff :3

( Germany's POV)

     Germany slowly opened his eyes. He blinked at the sunlight that was streaming in through his window. He hadn't realized that it was going to be so bright; he would've closed his curtains if he had known. The tree outside his window helped shield Germany's eyes from the harsh light, but it still stung just a bit.

     Sitting up, Germany felt around for his glasses and slipped them on. He stretched and walked into his bathroom. He looked in the mirror to see that he had developed barely noticeable eye bags. He sighed and went back into his room. He slowly put on a light blue sweater, not bothering to put pants on quite yet. Germany was about to head downstairs when he was met by Reich at his door.

     Reich looked down at Germany. Per usual, there was no trace of empathy or mercy in his gaze. His eyes were icy cold and intimidating. Germany felt himself beginning to tremble. What did his father want with him?

" There was a Russian on my property yesterday," he hissed. Germany didn't have to think hard to know exactly what he meant.

" There are no Russians allowed on these grounds. I know you're linked to it somehow, and boy when I found out how-"

Reich let out a quiet, malicious laugh.

" Let's just say you won't see the end of it."

     Reich shoved Germany to the ground. He reached down and slapped Germany across the face before walking back down the stairs. Germany heard the front door open and close. Getting up, he dusted himself off and went downstairs. At least his father wasn't around. There was really no telling when he'd be back.

The later, the better Germany thought as he toasted a bagel.

      He looked down at his phone to check the weather. A huge storm would be coming in later. Germany panicked for a moment. Bad storms meant lightning and thunder, which Germany feared. He breathed deeply a few times to cslm his racing heart. It would be fine.

     Germany ate his bagel in silence. He didn't mind the quiet; he actually enjoyed it. Something about the silence made him feel safe and calm. It was perfect for reading books and drawing. Speaking of drawing, it occured to Germany that he hadn't given the cat drawing to Russia yet.

What if he doesn't like it? A voice in his head said. What if he thinks it's ugly? He'll be mad at you for offering him a disgusting drawing!

      Germany contemplated this. He wanted to give it to Russia, but he was scared that he wouldn't like it. Russia was supposed to be coming over later. Germany decided that he would just risk him not liking it and giving it to him.

      Germany casually checked the time. It was 10:00 in the morning. The storm was supposed to be coming in at around 1:00. Germany finished his bagel and sat on the couch. He grabbed a book off the bookshelf and started reading. It was a random book about some people going whale hunting. Germany personally loved animals, but he had to admit that the book was interesting.


      It was around 11:45 when Russia knocked on the door. Germany set his book down on the couch and went to open the door. Russia was standing there with a goofy smile on his face. He had brought his blanket with him.

" Hey, Ger!" Russia said happily.

" Hey! How are you?" Germany asked.

" Fine, and you?"

" Fine as well."

" I, uh... brought my blanket with me. I heard there was a storm coming, so I brought it in case you wanted to.... cuddle."

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