Chapter 36

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Warning! This chapter contains mild angst!

(Germany's POV)

Germany laid unmoving on the couch. His entire body hurt. Any kind of movement triggered pain in one way or another. His head hurt as well. He could barely see straight without feeling a little dizzy. On top of that, Germany's thoughts were jumbled. He hadn't really contemplated what happened yet. He was still trying to take in all of the sudden events that had happened to him.

Germany tried his best not to focus on the pain in his body. Instead, he channelled his attention to be on Russia, who was sitting in front of him. He reached for Russia's hand, which Russia gladly took.

" Just breathe, okay?" he said softly.

Meanwhile, Soviet reentered the room with his first aid kit. He kneeled on the floor and took a closer look at Germany's injuries. He began pulling out bandages, disinfectants, etc. He also took out a medicine capsule. The contents rattled around inside. Germany could tell that they were pills, but he wasn't sure what kind.

" Russia, can you help Germany sit up?"

Russia nodded. He got up from the floor and sat next to Germany. As carefully as he could, he grabbed Germany around the waist and pulled him up. It didn't hurt that much, so he was fine for the time being.

Soviet went to the kitchen for a moment, returning with a cup of water. He told Germany to hold it while he opened the orange medicine capsule. He handed 2 of them to him.

" These are painkillers," Soviet said. " They should help to numb the pain for a bit."

Germany took them from Soviet and quickly swallowed them. He breathed out slowly as Soviet began to clean his cuts. There was a long one down his cheek that particularly stung, and he winced while it was being cleaned. He had a few more cuts like this, but the rest weren't as bad. Soviet took Germany's shirt and wrapped ice packs around his sides. It was intensely uncomfortable, but he said nothing about it.

" You can lay back down if you want,"  Soviet said once he was finished. " It will help you heal faster if you rest more."

Germany nodded and laid back on the couch. He sighed to himself; he hated the ice. At least the painkillers had started to kick in. He felt his aching slowly disappear. He suddenly sat back up and laid the other way, so that his head rested on Russia's lap.

" You feel okay?" Russia asked, slowly running his fingers through Germany's hair.

" Yeah, I'm okay," he replied, yawning shortly after.


" A little bit.."

" I don't blame you. You've had to endure a lot."

     Germany shifted and didn't say anything. He honestly didn't want to think about his father. Hopefully, he would be out of his life for good. He thought about his other family members, which he hadn't been allowed to see. The only other family he remembered was his grandfather. He had always been really nice to Germany when he was younger. He wasn't cruel and heartless like Reich; one would even say he was a little more like Germany himself. He really missed him. He wasn't sure how Reich could end up the way he was with such a good father. 

A certain cat was the last thing Germany thought of before he drifted into sleep.


      Germany woke up with a gasp. He wasn't on the couch anymore. He was in Russia's bed, warmly covered by his blanket. He was shirtless and covered in sweat, but it wasn't because if the heat.

     He had had a terrible dream. His father was there, and Israel was at his feet. His eyes were wide open in terror, but he was completely still and wasn't breathing.. Germany had run towards him, screaming his name, but no matter how much he ran, he couldn't reach him. He then saw America, who stood with a wicked smile on his face.

And then he had seen Russia.

     He had tears in his eyes. Germany ran towards him. When he reached him, he disappeared. Germany fell to his knees and cried. The last thing he saw was China, who pointed a gun at his face and pulled the trigger.

     Germany sat up in Russia's bed. He curled his knees up to his chest and cried. He never wanted a to be abused. He never wanted to be bullied by America and beaten up by China. 

He hated himself and his life.

     Germany was too busy sobbing to hear Russia enter the room. He was startled when he felt the bed move. He felt a hand on his cheek, and he looked up to see a concerned Russian. He hugged Germany, which only made him cry harder.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm here," he said, trying to comfort him. Germany didn't respond. He only hugged his knees closer to his chest. Russia rubbed his back.

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong," Russia said to him. " I know what you're going through is hard. I'll be here if you want to talk about it, okay?"

     Germany wrapped his arms around Russia and sobbed. He didn't know how to explain how he felt. His mind was a mixture of emotions that intertwined with one another. Even Germany could not navigate through his maze of feelings. He didn't want to keep things from Russia, though.

" I...I had a bad dream.." Germany choked out. " My father was there and Israel was dead...and then...A-America was there..and you were gone.., and.."

     Germany cut himself off. He bawled into Russia's shirt. He felt awful door crying so much.

" Hey, it's okay," Russia said softly. " It was only a dream. Nobody is going to hurt you. You're safe." 

Germany sniffed. Russia hugged him tighter. 

" I'll always be here for you, okay?" 

" Okay.."

     Germany looked up at Russia and wiped his tears. Russia pulled him into his lap and kissed his forehead. He rubbed Germany's cheek and gave him a warm smile. 

" I love you, Germany. Don't forget that, okay?" 

" I love you too..."

     Germany hugged Russia tighter. He hoped that his father was actually gone. He hoped that America and China would finally leave them alone. Most of all, Germany hoped that what Russia said was true. He never wanted Russia to leave him. He didn't want to be abandoned. 

He didn't want to be alone.

     Germany breathed slowly, calming himself down. He pressed his face against Russia's chest. He wanted to go back to sleep, but he didn't want to have another nightmare. His head still hurt from earlier.

" Are you okay now?" Russia said, massaging Germany's back.

" Yeah, but my head hurts..."

" Do you want some water?"

" Sure."

" Okay. Stay here and I'll-"

" Nein. Take me with you."

      Russia sighed. He shook his head and smiled before picking Germany up by the legs. Germany wrapped his arms around Russia's neck and rested his head on his shoulder. 

He wasn't letting Russia leave without him. 

( Hope you guys liked the chapter! I'm so sorry that it's so late! I was busy being angry at things >:|

The next chapter could be a time jump, so watch out for it!)


Nein- no (in German)

Story word count: 1, 191 words

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