Chapter 41

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Aw shit here we go again-

Everyone get your holy water dosage from Fnaduppet and be sure to douse this unholiness with plenty of holy water-

⚠Warning!⚠ This chapter contains smut!

( Germany's POV)

Germany had no idea that he could get so excited so quickly. Russia had just taken his shirt off, and Germany could already feel his pants tightening. He giggled as Russia pulled him into a long, passionate kiss. Germany felt his lover unbuttoning his shirt. He threw it onto the floor somewhere.

Russia kissed him aggressively, growling in pleasure as his tongue entered Germany's mouth. Their tongues slid around one another before deciding to fight. During their kiss, Germany moaned as Russia stared to grab and rub his nipples.

Russia pulled away. Germany was panting, trying to catch his breath. A thin string of saliva connected him and his boyfriend. Russia didn't waste a lot of time, trailing kisses all the way down Germany's neck. He bit and sucked on certain spots. Germany tried his best not to be too loud, but the pleasure he felt from the love bites was hard to contain. He let a noticeably loader moan escape when Russia found the sweet spot on his neck. Russia chuckled and abused the spot.

Germany gripped Russia's back as he proceeded to kiss down his upper body. His nails were always short, so he didn't hurt Russia when he tightened his hold. Russia was kissing Germany's nipples now. Germany moaned and arched his back slightly. Russia continued trailing kisses all the way down Germany's body, reaching his waist after a while. He pulled Germany's pants off. Germany saw that he did, indeed, have a slight bulge in his pants.

Russia eventually slid Germany's underwear off, letting his erection be free. He took his underwear off as well. Germany realized that Russia hadn't bothered to flip him over yet. This was a new experience. He heard the click of the lube bottle and braced himself for the partially painful prepping process.

Germany felt a finger enter his hole. He squeezed the sheets beneath him and moaned, partly in pain, partly in pleasure. Even though they had done this once before, it was still a rather new thing for Germany to experience, and it came with its ups and downs. One of the downs was that his hole was tight, which made things slightly more painful. Luckily for him, Russia was gentle, and he allowed Germany to adjust before proceeding.

It didn't take long for the German to adjust. He felt a second finger enter him, sending a tingling sensation up his spine. Russia began to slowly thrust his two fingers, scissoring them occasionally. This was beginning to become more pleasurable for Germany now.

" F-faster~" Germany accidentally whined.

" Geez, someone's eager~" Russia replied, giving him a naughty smile. However, he pulled Germany into a kiss and began to thrust his fingers faster. Germany tightened his hold on the bed and moaned in their embrace. He was enjoying this more than he thought. He was still trying to stifle his moans, but it was starting to become more difficult.

Germany whined when Russia pulled his fingers out. He wasn't holding onto the sheets as tightly, but his legs were spread, and his member was fully erect. He watched Russia coat his own member with lube. He grabbed Germany's legs on his shoulders as he licked his partner's dick in a teasing manner. Germany moaned as Russia began to suck. He took in his whole member and was going faster than he was before. He stopped right when Germany thought he was going to climax.

     Russia gave him a smug smile as he held Germany's legs. He lined his member with Germany's entrance. He slowly pushed himself in. Germany gave up trying to muffle his sounds and let out a long moan. Russia entered him slowly, pushing his large shaft in little by little. He allowed Germany a little while to adjust. Germany nodded after a minute or two. He moaned loudly as Russia thrusted slowly into him. There were already tears welling up in his eyes, as Russia's dick was quite large, but it felt so good.

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