Chapter 32

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⚠Warning!⚠ Chapter contains intense fluff! Like seriously, this is kind of my practice chapter before the smut comes.

(Germany's POV)

     Germany awoke very warm. Wherever he was was rather dark. He didn't have his glasses on, but it didn't matter much; he wouldn't have been able to see anyways. He tried to wiggle around, but his movements were restricted. Something- or someone- had him in their grasp. Germany tried to remember where he was. He only remembered yesterday evening, which he had spent with Russia -

His boyfriend.

     Germany remembered clearly now. Russia had taken him to his house after their "date". He had pajamas on, which he didn't recall wearing. He had probably run home beforehand to grab some. Germany realized that Russia was probably the reason he couldn't move. He was being spooned by his sleeping lover, who had wrapped his arms around his waist. Germany felt his cheeks heat up in the already warm room.

     Germany tried to squirm out of Russia's grasp, but it proved to be a difficult task; Russia was strong. After a little more struggling, he finally got free. He sat up in Russia's bed and looked at the clock. It was 5:30 in the morning. In the dim light of the alarm clock, Germany could just barely make out the silhouette of a lamp. He reached for it and felt around for its switch, which he found after a few seconds. Cutting it on, Germany found his glasses sitting on the nightstand.

     As soon as Germany slipped on his glasses, he felt Russia shift. Russia grunted and slowly woke up. He drowsily looked at Germany, who gave him a flustered smile. With another grunt, he sleepily sat up.

" Hallo, sleepy!" Germany whispered, greeting the tired Russian.

" Hey babe," he mumbled. At the word "babe", Germany couldn't help but blush. That was a new nickname, and he liked it.

     Russia, more awake now, wrapped his arms around Germany's waist and kissed his cheek. Germany giggled quietly and maneuvered his way into Russia's lap. He kissed Russia's lips gently and hugged Russia around the neck. Russia chuckled and kissed Germany back. Germany scooted further up in his lover's lap, gently grinding on Russia's member accidentally.

" Naughty, aren't you?~" Russia said teasingly.

" It was an accident!" Germany said defensively.

     Russia shook his head and kissed him passionately. Germany kissed him back, cradling his face with his hands. Russia licked Germany's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Germany gladly granted him access, and he let their tongues slide around one another. He moaned in their kiss as Russia slid his hand into Germany's shorts and massaged his waist and hips. Russia broke the embrace, trailing light kisses down to Germany's neck. Germany pressed his face into the crook of his boyfriend's neck, trying to stifle his noises of pleasure.

     Russia started to suck and kiss a spot on the German's neck. He let go after creating a small hickey on the spot. He did this several times, provoking pleased moans from Germany. Germany gripped Russia's shirt tightly as he found his sweet spot. He moaned as Russia abused the spot.

     Suddenly, Germany felt Russia move his hands to the bottom of his shirt. He allowed him to slip his shirt off, giving him access to his bare chest. Russia blushed deeply and gave him a sly but gentle smile. Grabbing his sides, Russia began kissing Germany's collarbone. He didn't leave a hickey there; instead, he pushed Germany onto the bed, pinning him.

     Germany helped Russia slip his shirt off. He usually wouldn't do this, but he craved Russia's love right now. He held Russia's face and kissed him again, but his lover had other ideas. When he finished kissing Germany, Russia moved straight back to Germany's chest and gently kissed his nipples.

" A-ah, R-Russia~" Germany moaned his name as Russia continued to kiss and lick his nips.

      Russia had made his way all the way down to Germany's torso. He pulled down the bottom's shorts at the side as he kissed Germany's hips. Germany whimpered. Was Russia going to take his virginity right here, right now?

Russia must have known what he was thinking, because he stopped after a few more kisses.

" Don't worry," Russia whispered to him. " I'm not gonna wreck your virginity. Not unless you want me to~"

Germany blushed harder.

" N-nein.."

     Germany sighed. He, at least at the moment, couldn't afford to do anything naughty with Russia. He had a gut feeling that somehow, in some way,  his father would find . Germany didn't want to imagine what would happen to him- or worse, to Russia.

     Sudden pressure on his lower body interrupted his thoughts. He looked down and saw that Russia had laid on him.

" Are you trying to crush all of my bones?" Germany said jokingly. 

" Do you have bird bones?" Russia joked back.

     Germany giggled. He reached down and squeezed Russia's cheeks,  making funny faces at him. Russia growled playfully and tried to bite his hands.

" What is wrong with you?" Germany said, laughing. " You're not allowed to bite me, because you sure as hell don't want me to bite you!"

" I don't usually abide by mortal laws, but I guess I'll make an exception!"

" That sounds like something Belarus would say."

     Russia laughed at this. Germany really liked Russia's laugh. It was low, hearty, and almost soothing. Germany couldn't understand why someone like America would ever leave him. He looked out of the window. It was about 6:15, and the sun had still not risen. It would take some getting used to, as the light and warmth the sun brought with it would come later than in the warmer seasons.

      Germany watched as Russia sat up and moved himself to be beside him. Germany pulled himself closer to him and kissed him. Russia giggled and hugged him.

" Imagine if your dad found out about this," he mumbled.

" I don't want to imagine it," Germany said. " If my dad found out we were doing this, he would absolutely kill me."

" I'll bet my dad would kill me too.I don't even think that he knows I'm gay."

" I don't think my dad knows I'm pan. I hope he doesn't know."

     Germany shivered. He was usually extra careful with anything that was remotely gay. His father was not supportive and would be infuriated if he found out. 

     Russia suddenly froze. Germany looked at him in confusion. Too late did he realize that there were footsteps coming closer to Russia's room. Germany felt his heart race as the door slowly creaked open.

" Well, well, well," Soviet said. " What do we have here?" 

      ( Oh b o y.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I swear, this is the spiciest thing I have written in my life. As I said before, this is kind of the "practice" chapter before the legitimately spicy chapter is written.

I will insert bolds and italics later!)


Hallo- hello (in German)

Nein - no (in German)

Story word count: 1, 125

 ( Fun fact: this number is actually completely different from the total words in the chapter. I emphasize this by saying " Story word count" instead of just " Word count". I'm not really sure why. I think I just like to separate words that are actually part of the story and other notes, warnings, etc.)

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