Chapter 26.5

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(Poland's POV)

" You fool!" America yelled, whacking China in the back of the head. 

" How could you let some short weakling beat you to a pulp?!"

" I didn't let him! We were evenly beat up! Besides, he's injured now. I think I dislocated his shoulder when I threw him at the wall."

" So what?"

" I hurt him. Wasn't that the point?"

      Poland looked down at the legs of the chair she was sitting in. She felt her stomach turn over. She had seen the whole thing. She couldn't help but feel guilty. She could've stepped in and helped him. That would've at least earned Germany's trust. Poland sighed. All she could do was wait now.

Everything would come together at some point.

     Poland was snapped out of her thoughts by China pounding his fist on the table. She looked up to see that he was staring right at her.

" That one," he snarled. " That one is a TRAITOR!"

     Poland's heart began to race. She wish she could've kept her mouth shut. She had casually mentioned to China that she felt strange for being part of their plans. She really liked Germany, and their plans were going to hurt him. She wasn't a traitor like China had said...was she?

" She's going to rat all of us out!" 

     China lunged across the table. Poland covered her face with her arms and braced herself for impact. Instead, she felt nothing.

     Slowly uncovering her face, Poland looked to see what had happened. Phil and Czech had come to the rescue. Phil was holding China off while Czech had stepped in his path, which was right in front of Poland.

" Chill out!" Phil said to China. " Poland's not a traitor."

     America slowly walked over. He gently shoved Czech out of the way. Poland was shaking. America had always been an intimidating figure. He wasn't a giant, but he was taller than her. He wasn't super muscular and was slightly on the thicker side, but he still managed to scare anyone who tipped him the wrong way.

     He crouched down to Poland's level. It took every ounce of self control in Poland to keep her from crying in fright. America lifted his dark sunglasses. He looked at Poland with his electric blue. They were rather pretty, and if it wasn't for the look he was giving her, Poland would've complimented them gladly.

" I'm sorry about him, " America said in a low, half-threatening voice. " He's got a few screws loose."

China growled. America shot him a look, and he shut up.

" You see, my dear-"

America placed his finger on Poland's throat, then slid it up to be on the underside of her chin.

" He's rather..suspicious of everything. I know you're not a traitor. You're smart enough to know the consequences."

At the word "consequences", America grabbed Poland's cheeks and stood up, making her face him. Poland accidentally let out a pitiful squeal, to which America reacted with a sly smile.

" You'll get what you want, I promise."

     Poland could hear the faint sound of footsteps coming towards the basement that they had all gathered in. Poland looked to see that Canada had come down to the basement. America let go of Poland and walked over to his brother.

" What are you doing, 'Meri?" He asked. For a guy the same age as America, his voice was rather high and child-like.

" Nothing much," America replied. " Me and my...friends are having a conversation."

      Canada looked past America. He smiled and waved at the other four countries. Everyone, even China, waved back. To Poland, everyone else in America's family was actually fairly nice and were respected because of it.

America was just the black sheep of the family.

     Poland heard someone call Canada's name. Canada looked up at the basement entrance.

" I'm coming!" He yelled. Poland thought she saw Canada blush slightly.

     America smiled and petted Canada on the head. That was the only compassion she had ever seen America show. He did care about some things, and he wasn't as merciless as he seemed.

It was too bad it didn't last long, because as soon as Canada left, America hardened up again. He slapped the table to get everyone's attention.

" No one-" he hissed. " And I mean NO ONE- is to tell my family about our plans. It will not end well for any of you." 

He was especially glaring at Phil, who kept his eyes low. Poland felt bad for him. He, like Czech, had been pulled into this against their will. Phil was friends with Russia, which made him necessary for the plan. He told Czech everything, so it would have been dangerous to not have him here, too.

" Any rats that I find, I will deal with. Trust me, I will know."


       It was almost completely dark by the time Poland, Czech and Phil left America's house. It was cold. Poland shivered a little bit; partially because of the weather, and partially out of fear. She could still feel where America had touched her face and neck. She listened to the sounds of the night. The only thing she could hear were a few crickets who were brave enough to cone out in the cool night just to sing.

      Suddenly, Poland heard the sound of muffled sobs. She looked over her shoulder to see that Phil was crying. Concerned, she walked back and asked him what was wrong.

" I can't take this!" He sobbed. " I never wanted to be part of America's revenge!"

     Czech was desperately trying to calm him down. Poland put her hand on his cheek. She wiped the tear trails from his face.

" I know," Poland said comfortingly. " Everything will be fine, okay? You will be safe as long as you don't spill the beans, alright?"

Phil nodded. He wiped his eyes with his shirt sleeve. They were getting close to where Phil and Czech lived. Poland felt her heart wrench for the two as she watched them go.

     She walked home in the dark. She had to be honest: she wanted no part in America's revenge either. Of course, she wanted Germany for herself, but was it really worth it if it meant that he got hurt? Poland didn't know for sure, but she thought that he and Russia were in love. Was she really going to hurt their relationship if they had one?

      Poland cleared her throat as she approached her house. She told herself that she wanted Germany. She would do anything to have him.

Even if some blood had to be shed in the process. 

( Hope you guys liked this chapter! Chapters like these are not meant to be as long as regular ones, but this one ended up being a little lengthy for a half-chapter.

Just a quick heads up:

1. Things are going to get a little more intense from this point forward. Poland will be introduced pretty soon, and there is likely going to be more violence, language, etc.

2. There will be more half chapters like this. Hope you like them, they're gonna show up more.

3. The story speed may change. There may be more time jumps, so be sure that you keep that in mind while reading!

This chapter will have its bolds/ italics inserted tomorrow ( I think). Please don't be too annoyed, I will get those in as soon as I can!)

Story word count: 1, 119 words

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