Night Walkers

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Night Walkers

It was the weekend but still I was wake too late nonetheless. Halloween was last Friday, tonight it was Saturday. I gave Vlad a kiss on the cheek like it was nothing. Though once I was well away from him and lying on my own bed I realized just what I have done. I freaked.

What in the world came over me? Why did I kiss him? And most of all how did he take it? Did he like it? Is he confused? Will he ask me about it? Dear God, what if he asks in front of Joss and Henry? I started to panic and I debated about going back and explaining myself, pajamas and all. Yet I was still happy I did it I was still mildly freaked. But I forgot about it and enjoyed the bliss as I slept. I woke up the next day to find that someone was at the front door.

I heard the voice of my uncle resound up the stairs. "Henry!"

"I'm not here to see Henry." The other voice informed him. I sat up with a start, Vlad was here! "I want to see Mina."

"Oh alright, let's go see if she's up." My uncle started up the stairs with his stomping feet; I felt the pull tell me Vlad was with him. I freaked out under my covers in worry. A ray of hope fell on me when Uncle Peter told Vlad to wait while he came in to see if I was awake. H opened the door and came in. "Mina, love?"

"What?" I asked in a groggy voice. I decided to be smart and use what my acting could get me.

"Vlad is here to see you, love. He wants to talk to you about something from last night." I stiffened under the blanket.

"Tell him, I can't talk. I don't feel so great." I thought of the most obnoxious things I could think of to try and attempt an on-the-spot head ache. He reached out in a concerned manner to test my forehead. He seemed to deem it worthy.

"You are a bit warm. Do you have a head ache, cough, and plugged nose?"

"Yeah, a bit of them all." I grumbled. "Tell him sorry and I just don't want him to get sick." Uncle Peter nodded and stood up to walk out my door. I heard him speak to Vlad, who attempted to protest. Uncle Peter insisted I stay in bed for the day until I was better.

"I just really need to talk to her about something. It's... uh, kinda important." He pressed.

"I'm sorry, she just looks too sick to talk to anyone. I'm sorry Vladimir; I'll have her call you as soon as she's better." I slammed my head on the pillow at his words. Vlad will be expecting a call later then, great!

"Okay." His voice was slightly disappointed and skeptical. "Mina, you can hear me. Get better; I really want to talk with you." He knew I could hear him, he just said it! I was in trouble.

I somehow made my way through the whole day locked in my room. My aunt fled to work, and both cousins ran off with other friends. My uncle was off today, he stayed with me. He left me alone except to check on me every two hours or more. He didn't bother me about Vlad the rest of the day, to be honest I think he knew that I was faking it to avoid whatever Vlad wanted to talk about. He actually told me I didn't have to call Vlad if I didn't want to, I smiled. Uncle Peter always understood us teenagers, sometimes better than we know ourselves.

It was late in the night by the time he dragged me out of my room. I had spent the day reading while avoiding Vlad.

I decided to make a cake again, yes another cake. I like to bake cakes, it keeps my mind busy. By then my uncle was certain I wasn't sick at all. I spent the day doing just that; baking more frickin cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. Everyone came home soon enough and Henry told me that Vlad wanted to see me still. I shrugged it off and ate my food. I wandered around the house in general boredom the rest of the night. What a fun Saturday this was!

Late that night I got a drink from the kitchen to find Joss leaving the house with a backpack.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked him, a smirk on my face.

"On a walk. Don't tell and I won't rat out on you next time."

"When do I ever do anything bad?" I smiled innocently, he grinned.

"Well, for one, you're up past curfew. You have always stayed up past our curfew since I've been here."

"Since before you've been here." I corrected him. He stared at me blankly. "I have just been having problems with falling asleep and staying asleep at night." He gave me a concerned look before turning; he looked a little too concerned to be normal. He walked out of the house, leaving me alone.

Now I was once again alone with my thoughts. Vlad had invaded my life, I knew that fact well. Unlike for the first months in which I met him I denied liking him. Yet now I was open widely to it, but I hide it well. I still haven't a clue as to why I kissed him the other night.

Had I gone crazy? Probably, it's hard for me not to with him around. His presence alone made me act drunk. If I act like such an idiot around him how can I ever hope to fix anything? And what am I trying to fix anyway? He likes Meredith, Meredith doesn't notice him, he doesn't notice me, and I hide that I like him. Yet no matter what I do or what he does, I can't help but he feels something more than a friendship bond with me.

I can just tell that he feels more. Why else would he have wanted to kiss me almost twice in one summer? If I am just his friend like he says he wouldn't try to kiss me. So does he like me as a friend or more?

I spent the remainder of the night thinking of the complications of my life since moving to Bathory. And to add to that, all my thinking has caused me to become nocturnal. I was always staying up later than I should and it wasn't good. You'd think I could stop thinking about Vlad for two seconds to at least get some sleep right? Wrong. If I do sleep he'll be there too.

I choose to listen to music to try and fall asleep. The song I picked to lull me to sleep was Lune from Notre Dame de Paris. It was slow, a poem, quiet, good, and takes place t night. It always helped me sleep whenever I really needed it.

Within minutes I fell asleep and dreamed of a night as the song depicted, with Vlad there. The moon hovered above our heads in Paris. How we got to Paris how would I know? The light it gave off was our only light in the dead of night. It was beautiful that wondrous night as I walked with Vlad by my side. He spoke of all kinds of things, I wish I could remember. He smiled at me, his eyes never leaving mine. But when I woke up he was nowhere to be found. It was just a dream, I guess the old saying 'a dream is a wish your heart makes' is true.

But I couldn't hold off the inevitable. It was possible for me to avoid being alone with him for one Sunday right? But it was without a solution for me to get out of being with him at school. Why do I fight what is meant to happen?

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