Fresh Blood

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Fresh Blood

How many times I have thought about that kiss in the past seven days I didn't know. The only change it caused was I was even more fallen whenever I was around him. If that was even possible, I had no idea.

Vlad never reacted any differently about the kiss and never spoke about it. I was fine with that because of Henry, and that is probably why he didn't in the first place. I know that the boys in school who still watched got on Vlad's nerves as they did mine. But I had to pay him back somehow for the pain Meredith caused me this past winter and even if I were to try and end it they would still look.

Fifth hour was extremely hectic today since it was the day of the concert. The choir teachers were always on the edge around this time and they weren't even the ones running the show!

Just in the first half hour of class my teacher asked me five times if I have my costume ready for tonight. I kindly told her yes everything even though I was getting annoyed. Everything was perfect and ready but they still made a huge fuss about it all. The hour ended quickly and I rushed to Yoga with Amelia following.

"So... is he coming?" She asked in a passive tone. We side glanced at each other and laughed.

"Yeah, he is."

"Well are you ready for him to see you as a vampire?" I grinned evilly. Amelia didn't know about my secret hunger for blood but she defiantly knew about the connection Vlad and I have with them. "I'm sure he'll just die!"

"I can only hope." I sighed as we started to change out for yoga. As we went through the class it went by fast. Algebra started as I sat with Vlad by my side.

As we walked home with Henry once again with us, Vlad smiled at me and gripped my arm when I tried to walk up into my house. I turned to his smiling face and his hand slide down and off my arm while he told me he couldn't wait until seven when my concert started. My heart fluttered and I nodded and smiled while running up the porch.

He and Henry continued to talk for a while I rushed to shower and get ready for my concert. I straightened my hair and curled the red streaks out of a random thought. I did my makeup, taking great time and care in every detail as the perfectionist that I am. I vocalized to myself in my room as I brought out my dress. I wasn't really think what I was doing; I have been doing choir concerts since I was little.

I slip on my dress and drank a bag of blood. I resisted drinking another and forced my fangs to stay visible. The dress I wore was a black V neck down to the knees. With a dark crimson under its dark, black, see through fabric. The crimson under dress was faintly seen through the dark cloth but there nonetheless.

As I was about to leave my room I stopped and ran my hand over my tattoo. It glowed faintly and I felt intense connection and strength for my kind. I wrapped a bright red ribbon around it and left my room.

My aunt and uncle were ready and yelled at Greg to hurry up and get in the car. Henry tagged along silently, a little too silent and I was thinking of asking him why.

When we get to the high school I part with my family to go to the choir room to meet with my fellow classmates and they went to take their seats. I found Amelia, Alice, and Kathryn in a heartbeat and we all started to talk in excitement. They were my background singers for my solo that I was picked for. We also sang another song together. Amelia grinned widely out of the blue and grabbed my shoulders forcing me to spin around. I giggled in the normal hyper manner I always am in before a concert. I giggle and laugh until I can see straight and I find Vlad smiling down at me from his usual four inches higher height.

"Vlad!" I cheered and attacked him in a hug. He didn't expect it and went stiff as I held him around his shoulders. He eventually calmed and hugged me back, his hands gently resting on my ribs. "You came!"

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