What I'd Do For You

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What I'd do For You

I heard soft murmuring through my wall and pressed my ear to the cool wall. It was late at night, probably way past midnight. I was nocturnal, no dought about it, since Vlad. So it didn't come to a surprise that I was laying wide away in my bedroom at two in the morning. Yet now I listened and heard Henry was awake too and he was talking to someone.

The words I heard were muffled and I only made out a few. "Greg....Drive...."




"Choice....Letters....Guy....Now....Brother....Okay...?" The conversation went back and forth and from the random words I could make out; I have no idea what they were talking out. But I knew it was Vlad, I could feel it.

"I....Mina....Drive...." I cursed under my breath. Henry knew that I learned how to drive along with Joss when in Romania. One of his friends had a car there and offered to teach us. I was younger at the time yet I learned any way. Hoping to find it useful when I start to drive to get my license. Henry remembered.

"No....Mad....Whatever....Remember?" Vlad still remembered I am mad at him.

"She'll....It....Watch...." I cursed again and lay down. They were coming here. I was about to freak as I pretended to be asleep. Soon enough my door opened and I heard two pair of feet shuffle their way in. I felt Henry by my side and start to shack me. I 'woke up' and glared at him.

"What the heck!" My eyes landed on Vlad, I snapped my lips shut.

"Mina we need you to drive us to Stokerton." I looked at my clock, it said three in the morning, and gave them a look saying 'what the heck? Why?'. "Please Mina, Greg won't do it without a price and we need to go now!"

I looked at him and nodded to him and Vlad. He understood my words.

"You'd be doing it for Vlad." I crossed my arms and turned away. "Mina, please." Vlad's hand landed on Henry's shoulder and my cousin moved aside for Vlad to speak with me.

"Mina, I miss you a lot. I took advantage of having you with me when I didn't have Henry or Joss. And you stayed by me during the Snow Ball when I was really beat up. I still don't know what I did wrong to hurt you. But I know that I am sorry. It's not the number one thing I regret most, losing you. But it's a close second to turning my parents alarm off."

I flinched. I knew very well that he blamed himself for his parent's death. If he hadn't turned the alarm off he thinks they would have lived.

"But I need you Mina. I need you to do this for me. My life is at stake. And even though you hate me right now enough to go as silent as a nun for three months; I know you still care for me." I turned my head away. "You do, you can't deny that. And if I die you would be upset. Well, Mina, I might die if you don't do this for me."

I sighed and threw my legs off the side of the bed. With an irritated groan and shoved them out the door. As I got dressed I heard their faint pleading voices.

When I opened the door fully dressed I walked passed them and down the stairs. They followed as I swiped the keys off the counter and out the front door to the car. Henry went to the back and Vlad sat in the passenger seat next to me. As I turned the keys in the ignition my hands shook over what to do first.

"You said you knew how!" Henry protested, I snapped him a look that said 'It's been a while so shut up!'. He understood and became silent.

I got the car out of the drive way and started down the road. I was still rusty and nervous. Even though it was just fine for kids to drive cars in Romania, it wasn't in Bathory. If I got caught I would be so dead. But I couldn't turn him down. Not after how much I have hurt him.

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