Black and White and Red All Over

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Black and White and Red All Over

It has been about three weeks since I made up with Vlad. Now I was currently performing Yoga with my class as the boys' class ran circles around us. No really, they were. My teacher decided to have class out in the field and the boys just to happen to be running this exact day. I laughed.

Yoga seemed to be easy compared to the torture the Couch Hunjo had in store for my cousin and Vlad. Joss had no trouble jogging around and around in the warm air. Joss had always been the fit, tough, jockish, I-will-conquer-you type. I couldn't say the same for Vlad.

Vlad was sluggish compared to Joss. His breath was stressed and he seemed about ready to die. I swear if that couch says one more order I'm going to rip his face off.

I stood in Dancer on one foot while holding my other foot behind me in my hand. I saw Joss catch up to Vlad and saw them speaking as they were about to pass me. When they did I offered a smile and Vlad repeated the task as if it cost a year's worth of energy.

"Don't die." I added before they left. Both boys turned their heads toward me over their shoulders and called back in complete unison.

"Ha, ha!" I giggled, but held my balancing poise perfectly. My teacher, Mrs. Duane, walked by and lifted a questioning eye brow at me. I grinned and shifted to Tree. The next time they passed by I was in Warrior One. I saw Joss stumble and fall to the ground. A puff of the red dirt that was the track flew into the air around my cousin. I fell out of my yoga stance and bolted after him.

He attempted to walk on his left leg but staggered. I felt a wash of worry flood me. Joss held his head to me and revealed a soft wink. That idiot.

I skidded to a stop and Mrs. Duane was about to skin me. I blushed and wandered back to my section of grass as I heard Couch Hunjo shout again. I tensed at his voice and thought about running back and slapping him on the face.

"Tod! Help McMillan to the nurse's office!" I whipped my head around, my hair flying over my shoulder as I watched Vlad help Joss limp away. "And keep the McMillan girl in your class!"

I shot daggers at him as I passed him. I hadn't even noticed that I ran clear by him in attempt to reach Joss. His expression was hard and unforgiving. He hated everyone, and Vlad even more so. And since I was always with Vlad that might be why he disliked me.

"I'm a Lovett. Not McMillan." I grumbled to him in passing. He snorted, stuffed it, and grunted an untruthful apology. I rolled my eyes and continued with Child's Pose.

As the bell rang I changed and found Joss and Vlad waiting for me outside the girl's locker room. Joss was completely normal.

"Guess some of my acting rubbed off on you." I teased, he laughed. I rolled my eyes and joined him. Joss draped his arm around me as he led Vlad and me to our class. I snickered when I saw a few girls grumble. It was funny how my cousin's fans get jealous at the smallest shows of affection. It normally made me laugh but I figured I was more interested in pretending Vlad's arm was around me and not Joss's.

Joss fled off to his last class as Vlad and I did the same. He collapsed into his seat, he still looked tired. I smiled and sat down next to him.

I suffered through the class easily with Vlad next to me. All we did was worksheets and we were allowed to talk. Vlad kept my mind away from Algebra and completely engrossed in my day dreams.

"Think we can hang out today?" I asked softly, flashing my eyes from the desk toward him. He sat in a confused silence until I looked fully up and offered a concerned look. He shook whatever it was off and smiled.

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