No Life In Me

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No Life in Me

Today we left Siberia. Currently I'm on a plane with Vlad and Otis, snoozing every so often along with Vlad. He held one arm around me so as to keep the blanket around me, my head on his shoulder. Otis was slowly reading through a book, taking his own time doing so. I had my headphones in and the volume on low.

I still had that nagging fear in the back of my head that Vlad would go back to Meredith. He never officially picked me, he never picked at all. Or, maybe he did, he just didn't tell me.

Even if he didn't pick me, seeing him with her would kill me. I just don't know if I'm ready for it or not. I haven't felt that bad a blow before, the closest I can think of was the Snow Ball. I didn't talk to Vlad for three months, and it almost killed me. I couldn't handle that again, if I'm hurt I would attempt to do that ever again. I need to talk to him, no matter how hurt, upset, or angry I may be.

That didn't make me feel so happy though. My mother and I always had the habit of shunning those who upset us in any way. So when we would bicker, it drove my father insane with the silence of the house. Yet with Vlad I couldn't do that. For without his existence I, myself, have no existence! So that would never really solve any problem I could ever have. It is my nature to run and hide from what pains me. But the one thing that makes me happy is the one thing causing me pain.

Anyway, the plane just barely landed so we are slowly making our way out of the airport. We got our luggage and Otis found his car after nearly an hour of walking through the parking lot! Then he started to drive us right back to Bathory.

Otis drove to Vlad's house first rather than mine, I guess Nelly wanted to see me too? Finally we pulled up to the oh-so-familiar house. We got out and Nelly came running out.

She tackled Vlad in a tight embrace before moving to Otis, then me. I hugged her back and she gushed about how much she missed us all. Then I helped them take all the bags inside, leaving mine in the car. After catching up with Nelly and spending some time with them, Otis was about to drive me home. Vlad came outside just to say goodbye, being one of the only times we have fully been apart since the trip started.

He held me close to his chest in a strong hug; I couldn't help but enjoy it while it lasted. Then I smiled, and looked in his eyes just once more before turning and walked down his porch. As I did so, I saw a blur of pink rush past me.

I turned just in time to see Meredith collapse her weak, thin, little arms around Vlad. My soul burned with jealousy and the flame grew into an ocean of fire when I saw him smile in full happiness with her in his arms. She then pulled back and kissed him fully on the lips which sent another wave of pain down on me.

I turned my head away and bit my lip. I pressed my crossed arms close to my stomach to try and stop the feelings, but it didn't help.

"Let's go." I said to Otis in a hushed, morbid tone. I heard Vlad say my name softly, but I got in the car before I could cause any more trouble. Otis hurried into the driver's seat and started off before I could give a glance back. My tears did not fall but he let me weep without any bother. Once we were half way from Vlad's house to my house, he parked the car off to the side of the road. I tackled him in a hug and he rocked back and forth, petting my hair. I didn't really cry, but felt pain.

Otis stayed silent as I seemed to hold onto him for dear life. It was a miracle I did not cry, I usually do, but now it was just sadness. As if this immortal body only held so many tears and I had no more.

I slowly pulled away from him. "I'm okay now, I think."

"Are you sure?" He asked in a softly gentle tone.

"Yeah, if I can't die by time I certainly hope I can not die by heartbreak." Otis seemed unsure but he started the car again and continued to take me home. I didn't feel much sorrow and the pain died away, now I simply felt nothing. Nothing at all.

When I returned to my home, Henry hugged so tight I believed I would die if it wasn't for the fact I'm immortal. The rest of my family did the same on a smaller scale.

Otis soon left and I was alone with Henry. I told him everything and he sat there silently with his arms around me. But try as I might I could feel nothing, no emotion at all.

As if there was no life in me.


Author's Note: This is the end of this book.

The sequel is "There's Always A Tomorrow: We'll Live Out Lives And Then

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2011 ⏰

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