I Caught Myself

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I Caught Myself

I woke up and felt my blanket tightly wrapped around me as its warmth pumped through me and I cuddled deeper into it. Yet I was frozen when I remembered; blankets aren't solid. I opened my eyes to my face tucked into Vlad's shirt, his arm once again around my waist and holding me tightly, and his face in my hair. I could feel his breathing and a rough shutter took over me and I held my breath.

"Vlad!" I whispered, and I felt his grip tighten with a jolt. He then flew away from me and hit the wall again. "Why do you always hit the wall?" I asked sarcastically and sat up, tossing my hair in my face to cover the blushing.

"I am so sorry!" He attempted to apologize and I giggled. I turned back to him.

"No worries." I smiled and leaned on my hands while he had pinned himself to the wall and kissed his cheek. He relaxed and stared at me as I stood and went to take a shower. The entire time I blushed as I thought of how he was holding me. I eventually left the bathroom fully ready for the day, then Vlad got ready and we went outside to the main hall.

"Goodnight, everyone." I cheered when I sat at the table with Vikas and Otis. They were talking in French and I smiled as Tristan, Vikas's drudge, gave me spiced blood.

"How did you sleep, Lubov?" Vikas asked, grinning.

"It was alright." I told him, only a little pink from this morning. I concentrated on the blood in front of me instead.

"Vlad?" Otis asked and he shrugged and chugged down his blood. I smiled and smiled wider when Evelyn and Jen joined us.

"Mina, want to come with us and a few others to play a game?"

"What game?" I asked Jen, I saw Vikas smile at her and turn to me. The look in his eye showed he wanted to play, and wanted me to play too.

"A fun game." Vikas said and I smiled and nodded. Soon we all were outside and walking toward a large, high cliff. It seemed a few miles to the bottom. It was soft snow at the bottom, but still the height was shocking. As Vikas, Jen, and Evelyn explained the rules to me, Vlad and Otis took a short walk.

"Okay, well, what you do is you jump off the cliff." Evelyn stated.

"What?" I turned to her is confusion.

"You jump off and free fall and whoever can get the closest to the ground without stopping by flying, wins."

"It's a matter of fear, Lubov." Vikas added after Jen, and I bit my lip in nervous worry.

"What if you don't stop in time?" I asked.

"Then you hit the snow." He shrugged. "It's deep snow, Lubov, you won't get hurt. And if you do, we are immortal. You will heal before the week is out!"

That didn't really help my worry. I paced as the other vampires participated and I thought deeply over if I should join. I was a pretty good flyer so I didn't have much to worry about. But I never tested my immortality level before as I am sure all these vampires have. But they all had to make this leap of fear at one point, right? I jumped up in down in place and shook my body and took deep breaths. Trying to prepare one's self to jump off a cliff isn't the easiest thing when a few months ago you would have died.

"Okay, okay! I'm going to do it!" I cheered when the last guy flew back up. They all cheered me on and I was still in deep worry. I kept talking to myself. "I'm going to jump!"

"Mina!" I heard Vlad call and I turned. "Don't!"

I turned to him in confusion. Then I remembered, he didn't know this was the game. He didn't know I was such a good flyer. He didn't know I wasn't committing suicide but playing a game. He didn't know... I decided to mess with his head.

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