Somehow I'll Make You See
Apparently Vlad liked the kiss last night. I woke up to him kissing me, and after I kissed him back, he kissed me more. I wonder if he would kiss Meredith that way, or if he already had. I got ready easily as a relived my wakeup call over and over in my head.
I walked out of the bathroom, and Vlad made his way in. I just decided to wear a t-shirt that was twice my size and grey and black. I then just slipped on some on my skinny jean and I walked outside, placing all my hair in a clip on top of my head. I felt like being lazy after everything that has happened in the past day.
I left our room and poured myself a glass of blood wine. As I took a deep gulp I scanned my eyes around but I didn't see Otis or Vikas anywhere.
With my blood still in my hand I left the large den and started to walk around in the areas that I have never been to before. I called out for Otis of Vikas but no answer came. Some vampires still wandered around like I did, so I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong.
I looked in every door way but I found no trace of my adoptive vampire teachers. When I found the next empty room, something caught my eye. A piano with darkened, near black wood. The keys were pale white and shining in the dim light. I looked around and saw no one was in the room, no one in the hall. Who would it hurt?
I went inside and sat at the piano, and I tenderly rested my fingertips on the keys. I haven't played the piano since I moved from California. It seemed like a long time ago, fogged up in my current problems.
My middle finger pressed down ever so slightly, the note filling the air around me. I remembered how I used to play on for hours on the piano when I was home alone with Joss. Joss, my cousin who betrayed me so harshly. I hit the key again and remembered the song I had learned that started on that key. I smiled lightly and placed both hands to hover over the white and black keys. I hit the next note, then the next. I started to pick up speed as I went along and I followed the tune.
I grinned and continued to play, remembering the old feel for it I used to get. The song was slow but not too slow, sweet and gentle.
The door made a slight noise and I looked over my shoulder, my fingers hesitating. I saw Otis standing in the doorway, leaning on the wood as he smiled at me. I smiled back and kept playing the tune, he casually made his way inside.
"I never knew you could play piano?" Otis said as he sat down, facing away from the piano.
"You've never seen me near one." I smiled and kept playing.
"You're good." I shrugged, staring down as my hands moved. "Who taught you?"
"My father, he was very musical and deep into culture." I missed on a key and cursed under my breath and kept going. "My mother was the singer and dancer, always active and out in the world to learn new things. My father was different; he would rather read about the country we were in rather than be in it, like my mother."
"I never knew you lived elsewhere, other than Bathory." He added, I shrugged again.
"Oh yes, I have lived all over the world." I told him naturally. "No one can pinpoint exactly where my accent is from, just that I do indeed have one. A very faint, strange one. That is because it is a mix from everywhere. Countries and states from all over the world, therefore I have hints from many cultures."
"That's not uncommon when a child moves so often." I nodded and smiled softly.
"What is this surprise you and Vikas have?"
"I thought you were asleep?" I paused in my playing before I continued.
"I was, Vlad woke me up and told me." I told him simply, he didn't comment but stood. I stopped playing the beautiful piano and stood with him. "So... what's the surprise?"
"Other than the fact you both still have training?" I sighed, but he continued. "Just a small present, is all." He led me out of the room and down the hall. We found Vikas, talking to a rather deep-in-thought Vlad Tod. The Russian smiled widely when we came up to them, and Vlad turned his head from me fade pink on his cheeks. I sighed, blushing as well, but I was used to the feeling.
"So, what's the present?" I asked to break the silence. Vikas took two small boxes from his coat pocket. One was black, white and red which he gave to me. The other was black, red and grey and handed it to Vlad.
I smiled lightly and opened the small box. I found a small bracelet inside and picked it up. I saw it was thin strips of black leather braided together, with one silver charm dangling from it. I moved my finger to make the charm face me and I found it was my Elysian name. I smiled and fumbled to try and put it on. Otis helped me get the silver links together and afterward I tackled him in a hug.
"I love it!" I laughed lightly, and hugged Vikas after Otis. Both men hugged me back and we all turned to Vlad.
Vlad opened his box and found a thicker, but not too thick, band of black leather. It also had silver engraved with his Elysian name, but it wasn't a charm. A silver plaque-like band went around part of the leather. He hugged the two vampires in thank also, while thanking them.
"Otis is the one who thought of it!"
"Well, I thought we should get something for you both. Mina, you can get more charms on there if you'd like. Vlad, if you want you can add to the plaque as well. We don't expect you both to always wear them and wear them at all. Just something..."
I smiled and hugged Otis again. The man who was once the strange and bizarre teacher, who I only wanted to spend as much time as necessary with, was now a dear friend and eternal companion.
"Next time I'm at Stokerton Mall, I'm getting charms with all your names on them!" I grinned.
All three vampires smiled as I realized, we'd be going home soon. Vlad, Otis and I would be going home. I suddenly grew terribly sad as I thought of how quickly I fell in love with place. I would miss this place so much; I hadn't thought much of home since I came. I suppose my disappoint was visible for Vikas wrapped his arms around my waist.
"No worries Lubov, we shall write!" Vikas cheered and I half smiled.
"I know, but I like the feel of Elysia."
"It's only natural to enjoy it, Lubov. You are a vampire, and you should enjoy the connection you have with other vampires. At least, while in Bathory, you have Vladimir."
"You have a point..." I shrugged as I sighed softly. Vlad had barely said a word since we woke up, at least to me. I figured it was from this morning but with Vlad you never know. I looked at him and he turned his head away again, face pink again as well. I smiled faintly and went over to him. "Vlad, let's go get some blood." I took his hand and dragged him away from the crowd as we went to pour some blood.
"I...uh... Okay..." He stuttered and when we stopped and smiled and handed him a full cup.
"Vlad, I know you feel awkward about how I woke up..." I blushed faintly, and he shifted his weight as he ran his hand through his hair. "But don't. I think I know why you did it, to see if it would feel the same?"
"I...yeah..." He sighed and slumped his shoulders.
"If anything, it felt better. For me, at least." I took a long gulp of the blood and refilled it. "But still, Vlad, you have a choice to make. Remember, I told you not to do this unless you where certain you want me. If you tell me you pick me now, and then go to Meredith, there is a very small chance I will forgive you. If you go with her, forever or for now, I'm always here if you come back."
"Mina, that's nearly impossible to do."
"But you have to." I stepped forward, reaching my hand to his shoulder. "A heart like Meredith's has the ability to heal. My heart is dead Vlad, once it breaks, it can never be fixed." He bit his lip and I nodded softly. "Yes, a heart can still break after its stopped beating."