The Snow Ball Snow Fall

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The Snow Ball Snow Fall

The Snow Ball dance was the dance that all teenagers looked forward to in Bathory. I was very excited to go to the dance this year. I had the perfect dress, Henry and Greg had dates, and Joss had Meredith... With Meredith gone, I could try and get my feelings out to Vlad.

Vlad was going; I knew he was, though he was extremely upset about Meredith. Though, we had to convince him to go which took weeks he agreed. He was going and I couldn't be happier. Now as my three cousins chatted downstairs, I fixed up the final details of my dress. Black fabric hugged my skin and the bottom of the skirt faded into blood red. I knew I would clash with the décor, but these were my best colors. My hair fell down in curls; I tried to mimic the hair from Mina Murray in Dracula. I remember Vlad saying he liked her hair when I commented about it while watching the movie. And I must say my aunt and I did a rather good job. And as a final touch I took the ends of the satin ribbon and brought it to my neck. I tied the ends together and grazed the two dark gems.

"Mina, come on already!" Greg shouted from downstairs.

"Coming!" I called. With a quick last check to make sure I was good and ready for Vlad, I rushed down the steps. "God, you're patient!"

"Oh Mina, you look beautiful!" My aunt Matilda cheered when she spotted me. She hugged me close and my three cousins laughed, I turned scarlet. "You're going to break some hearts tonight!"

"Aunt Matilda!" I whined, turning a darker red, she released me.

"Boys, make sure Mina is a good little girl now." She pressed, all three cousins laughed again. "Oh and I almost forgot, Peter go get it please." My Uncle Peter rushed to the other room and returned shortly with his hands hidden. "We thought you would like your birthday present early. We know it's not for a couple of days but..."

My uncle came up to me and held out a small, black, square box. I took it out of his hands and looked at my family. They all held matching grins, the family grin as I say, and waited for me to open it. I held it closer and brought my fingers to the velvet of the box. Then I gently lifted to lid and peered inside. I gasped.

"Oh my god..." I gasped out in a whisper. I lifted the box closer and ran my forefinger over the jewel.

There, in the holder, was a beautiful ruby ring. The silver band created claw-like arms to hold the ruby in center. The ruby it's self was a deep crimson and shaped in that of a four pointed star. I took out the small ring and had my eyes inspect every spec of it.

"Do you like it? We found it and knew it was for you." Uncle Peter stated. I looked up and smiled widely.

"I love it! Where'd you get it?" I fitted the ring on the only finger I like rings on. My wedding finger, the other fingers just didn't suit rings very well.

"While we were in Stokerton, we went to a few shops. We found it at a small jeweler, and an old man asked the occasion. We told him about you and he gave us this ring. It was a lot of money but insisted we take it free."

"That's odd... It's so beautiful!"

"Well he was a strange guy." Henry joked, we all laughed, then Joss butt in.

"Actually he was, he seemed like he knew you Mina." Joss told us. I stared blackly at him, then in confusion.

"How? What did he look like?" I asked, still holding the hand with the ring.

"Well he was very old, large pure white hair. He had an accent from Romania, you remember Romania right?" I nodded briefly. "Wide forehead... and creepy. He was a perfectly normal old man until we told him your name."

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