Tuesday 8th of August"He lay down in the forest trying to get some sleep. Sakura was facing him.
"Don't worry, I'll stay up, just get some rest Sasuke."
His eyes closed for a few seconds but he suddenly heard a scream. He opened them quickly and saw three men surrounding her. One of them was holding a kunai at her throat.
"If you move, we kill her. Now Uchiha, come with us."
"If I come, leave the girl behind. She hasn't done anything."
He kneeled in front of them. Two men tied him up.
"We're all ready to go! Tell me, how powerful are those eyes of yours?"
His kunai slit Sakura's throat open and Sasuke saw himself jump on them attacking with his teeth due to his arm being tied up to his body."
Sasuke woke up sweating.
"He... what?" Ino's voice rose.
"Shhh were in the clinic stay quiet! He left again."
"I'm not gonna say it, I promise." the blonde shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh go on, say it."
"I told you so."
Sakura's eyes rolled as she walked through the hospital hallways. Her friend was by her side whistling.
"I know you told me so but it doesn't take away the fact that you were wrong about something."
"Me? Wrong?"
"Yes. He didn't leave because he wanted to leave. You know what he told Naruto? He said that he was leaving to protect me and when Naruto assumed that he had feelings for me, Sasuke didn't deny it. He just quietly said that I wouldn't stay here safe unless I hated him."
"Noooo" her hand slapped Sakura's shoulder. She turned around and saw her friend's mouth wide open."You did it. You got him to like you."
Sakura laughed and maliciously looked at her friend a smirk on her face.
"Wanna know what's even better?"
"What! Tell me, forehead!"
"He held my hand while he thought that I was asleep. He even touched my face."
"I.. oh god, get the village to gather and make a celebration day out of it. Sasuke showed affection to someone. I always thought that Orochimaru traumatised him, not gonna lie."
"What do you mean traumatised him?"
"God knows what that snake did to him, if you know what I mean." she winked at the pinkette.
Sakura was absolutely disgusted by what she just heard. "Ino you have a serious problem. Also wanna know what?"
"There is more?! And you waited a whole week to tell me?!"
"Of course there is! Back in that village I went on date,"
"Young woman, you need to talk to me about your life more often. A date? With who? Sasuke?"
"No, no, shut up and let me talk. I went on a date with the head of the hospital and Sasuke got all jealous over it. You should've seen his face!" She backed away from her friend to let a nurse pass. "Anyway, like I was saying" she whispered. "I learned about his jealousy because just before Sasuke and I left the village, the man I went on a date with, wanted to talk to me privately. Apparently, get ready for that, Sasuke and him had an argument. When Kotaka, the guy, told Sasuke that he could lie to himself about his feelings, Sasuke said that he was well aware of them."

Redemption |complete| (SasuSaku)
Fanfiction(Complete) Sasuke comes back to Konoha after a journey seeking atonement and redemption. Finally becoming the man his brother wished he will be, he decides that it is time to make amends with the ones he left behind. He realizes that it won't be as...