Saturday, 26th of September. Sarada is 25 weeks old so 12 weeks old in normal birth age."Sasuke!"
"Come and see this!!!"
Sasuke put down his book and walked to the kitchen. Sakura was supposed to be cooking for their dinner right now.
He opened the kitchen door and walked up to her.
"What is going on?"
"Look at Sarada."
Sasuke frowned his eyebrows and turned his head to see his daughter in her crib. She was playing with her fingers and smiling at him. He leaned in curiously.
"Is she smiling?"
"Yes. I thought you'd be happy to see that."
"What is she smiling at?"
Sarada's smile grew bigger and he felt Sakura's hand on his waist.
"We can only guess but she recognizes our voices, our smell and sort of how we look."
"So she is smiling at us." he said.
"So she is smiling at us. Hi Sarada." Sasuke jumped a little bit at the voice that Sakura took. She sounded... cute?
His daughter answered by making some noise with her mouth and Sasuke smiled.
"She is talking!" he blurted it.
"Well if you consider making random noises talking... then yes she is."
"Words are random noises."
"You know what I mean..."
"I know, I know." she laughed.
Sasuke smiled at his wife. Yes he knew that she meant that sarada was only making bubbles with her mouth but it was still a noise. She was still communicating in her own way. His daughter was going to be smart, very smart.
"Hellooo weird couple!" Sasuke jumped up at the loud voice.
Ino barged into the house and into the kitchen. She was followed by Sai. Sasuke didn't think he would ever say that but he was glad that Sai was here. Since their mission he realised that they had a lot in commun.
"Ino stop calling us like that." joked Sakura.
"Sorry, you two are the weirdest couple I've seen in my life. Right, anyway, what are you up to?"
"We were watching Sarada." Sakura pressed herself against Sasuke as he tried to step away from her. People were looking at them.
"Watching Sarada? She's a baby. There's not much she can do that is fascinating."
Sasuke felt a little ball of anger in his throat. He jumped in to defend his daughter.
"She speaks." his voice was firm.
"Yeah I'm sure she does." Ino brushed it off with a sign of her hand. "Anyway Sakura, you ready to go for our afternoon tea?"
"Yeah!" his wife turned around and looked at him. "Are you sure you're alright staying with sarada?"
She laughed and kissed him on the cheek. Sasuke blushed and looked away trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone. On her way out of the kitchen, she stopped in front of Sai.

Redemption |complete| (SasuSaku)
Fanfiction(Complete) Sasuke comes back to Konoha after a journey seeking atonement and redemption. Finally becoming the man his brother wished he will be, he decides that it is time to make amends with the ones he left behind. He realizes that it won't be as...