The Talk

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(Warning! Rated soft lemon I guess because masturbation is implied.)

Wednesday, 6th of February. Sarada is still 4 years old.

"Mama? Mamaaaa?!"

Sakura jumped out of her dream into reality. She looked around and realized that she was still in bed, wearing Sasuke's t-shirt only. Sakura barely even had time to pull down the t-shirt to cover her legs that Sarada ran into the bedroom and jumped on the bed.

"Mama!" she gave her a hug.

"How are you doing? Did you have a good night?"

"Yes! Dada came to Uncle Naruto's house and told me to go home with him."

"Long time ago?"

"No, just now. Dada?"

She blushed instantly feeling embarrassed to see Sasuke especially after what happened the previous night. When she felt his presence in the room, she kept staring at the blanket to avoid making eye contact.

"Mama, dada said we're going to park. Come with us!"

"Oh, uhm..." she tried to find an excuse to avoid that. "I have to get ready and I have to go to work."

"I went to the hospital to tell them you felt sick."

Her head snapped at him. "I'm a doctor, I shouldn't miss work because I feel sick."

"Sakura, you slept all day. It's 1 in the afternoon." she stared at him until the information got to her brain and as soon as it did, her eyes widened and he gave her a smirk. "You obviously needed some rest."

She looked down to the blanket again and remembered how quickly she fell asleep last night. Yes, she had definitely needed some sleep.

She saw Sarada standing in the mattress and she started to jump, throwing her arms in the air.

"Let's go park! Let's go park! Let's go park!"

"Sarada stop jumping on the bed, you can hurt yourself. You can go to the park with your dad, I have things to do here."


She jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room.

"Why are you avoiding me?" his voice sounded calm, not worried, but she still avoided looking at him. "Is it because of last night?"

She felt stupid for feeling embarrassed, especially because he had seen her naked and vulnerable multiple times, but never in the way he did the night before. "I'm not avoiding you." she replied with a small voice.

"Yes you are. Did I do something wrong? I thought that it was what you wanted."

"No!" she stopped him but realized that she didn't know how to continue so she closed her mouth.

"That's not what you wanted me to do?" he asked with a quiet voice.

"Yes, I mean, yes. You didn't do anything wrong it's just..." she stayed quiet.

"You are embarrassed."

"No!" she lifted her head up. "I'm not embarrassed." to prove her point, she tried to hold his graze, but the thought of what she had seen in the mirror last night flooded her brain and she looked at the blanket again. "Are you not... disgusted by me?" she asked ashamed.

"Why would I be disgusted by you?" she couldn't face him so she continued to look at the blanket that her fingers were nervously playing with.

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